Example sentences of "soon [conj] you [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It moved two things which put it into operation , you know and er I could turn the knob and it 'd get the whole thing going , it 'd get you inside , it 'd register that it 'd been , when you shut the door , as soon as you shut , in the toilets , as soon as you shut the door the penny dropped down , see what I mean .
2 As soon as you reach the cross-over age where there is no longer a gain , you can contract back into SERPS .
3 I think one of the problems is , that a lot of shoppers do n't realize that they 're entering into a contract and we do n't realize it for the simple reason that most people have , as soon as you hear the word contract you have a mental image of a legal document that you sign , do n't you ?
4 As soon as you hear the dog barking though , you must tell it to be quiet , and make it sit away from the door .
5 You guessed as soon as you heard the name of Kirtlington , I dare say ? ’
6 As soon as you let the air in
7 As soon as you get the ball you just run at the goal , the opposition making no attempt to stop you !
8 So what I 'm saying is we need to be very , as soon as you get the stuff , that , if you wan na get anything out of this course at all , and what people do get out of the course , is the fact that by the time they leave here we 've said right , that 's the way we 're going that 's what we 're gon na aim for and it is reasonable time .
9 Now as soon as you put the dot , what you 're saying is erm , that 's the extension .
10 Say you 're sleeping in the front room , as soon as you turn the light out and there 's no sound they do n't shut up .
11 ‘ You think he tapped this out as soon as you left the desk and then ran after you with it ? ’
12 ‘ I knew you were following me as soon as you left the hotel yard , and I decided to turn the tables .
13 What about a Bryan Robson player that drops to bits as soon as you touch the fucker ? : - )
14 VISITORS to Belgium often sneer at the scruffy appearance of the country 's towns , farms and people , and pointedly note how much neater everything is as soon as you cross the border into Holland .
15 Firstly , read Practical Running this month which is jam-packed with advice that starts as soon as you cross the line .
16 We can be married as soon as you give the word ; as it is , what is Dinah to do ?
17 ‘ Her mane and tail were all matted and she had no manners — when we first put her in a stable she box walked and tried to barge out as soon as you opened the door . ’
18 Of course it looks a bit different , places often do when you come back to them , but I think I remember — soon as you turned the bend and saw the tunnel — yes , there it is !
19 Long in the telling , but as soon as you have the hang of it , very much quicker than bass .
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