Example sentences of "soon [conj] she [verb] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rachel Karafistan , now 18 , who co-founded the Bare Essentials Youth Theatre , will know soon whether she has won a day at the Olivier theatre , working with actors and directors including Anthony Hopkins , Ian McKellen and Richard Eyre , as part of the Lloyds Bank Theatre Challenge .
2 She realised , with hindsight , that he had n't forgiven her either for turning him down soon after she 'd joined the team .
3 But almost as soon as she had crossed the Channel , Leslie began to feel ill and off-colour .
4 Ianthe had always wanted a house of her own and as soon as she had shut the door behind her she forgot the lonely homecoming in the pleasure she still felt at seeing her furniture and possessions in their new setting .
5 As soon as she had given the injection she massaged the area briskly to help the dispersal of the drug .
6 But she had known as soon as she had seen the glazed eye that this was death .
7 It was darker inside the cottage than she had expected , and as soon as she had opened the door , she knew that there was something terribly wrong .
8 And , as soon as she had paid the driver and he had gone on his way she stood for some moments , looking at Ven 's house , photographing it in her mind 's eye because she knew — she would never come this way again .
9 Even as she spoke those words Diana must have known that she had left behind her bachelor persona as soon as she had entered the Palace portals .
10 As soon as she had put the telephone down , she headed for the door .
11 Which , if she 'd thought about it , she realised she should have done as soon as she 'd seen the dog making for her — rather than idiotically go forward the way she had .
12 As soon as she 'd entered the hotel she 'd been handed a white envelope containing a fax message .
13 He pulled her to him as soon as she 'd closed the front door behind them .
14 The British assessment was that the United States had no long-term interest in Korea and had no scheme to extend sufficient economic or military aid to render a south Korean administration viable : ‘ It is probably therefore the American intention to pull out herself , as soon as she has found a face-saving formula for doing so . ’
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