Example sentences of "told [pron] [that] [pron] was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When I told them that I was born in a similar bed and had become a doctor afterwards they were more convinced .
2 In my message I told them that I was going to fly close to the control tower to see if they could tell me what was wrong with my port wheel , but again no reply from control .
3 She thought of the time George Galloway had come to her home while her husband was off work with badly bruised ribs and told them that he was giving William a week 's notice .
4 This was not to last long however , for later in 1796 he wrote to all his friends and told them that he was going to live in London .
5 He told them that he was going to prepare a permanent home for them in God , the Father 's , house .
6 Well a as soon as she gave me this erm protective thing to wear and and then told me that I was grown up and every .
7 A harassed young intern assisted by a cool , pretty nurse ( called Ruth , from Stanmore ) told me that I was bucking the statistical trend by having three fingers smashed between the knuckle and the phalangeal joint .
8 Six months later my grandmother told me that I was going to join my parents and that she , too , was emigrating .
9 And er he he was having a conference in , course with dropping out of the Labour Party , the Labour Party finished with him and did n't bother and anyw he he someone I do n't know who it was , it was n't him himself but someone told me that he was looking for somebody to organize this conference in , so I said , Well I I 'll do it .
10 Leslie told me that he was considering a further transfer to the Special Air Service .
11 Gieseking once told me that he was given a new short piece to learn .
12 He told me that he was waiting for me to return .
13 Mr. Docherty told me that he was sleeping rough either in his car or in a small tent .
14 In his last message the monster told me that he was going north .
15 ‘ He never told me that he was going to do a newspaper article and I just wonder where this leaves Jason and his legal advisers now as far as an appeal goes . ’
16 In a burst of confidence one day he told me that he was working out a new system of numerology , developed from a study of people whose lives have been well documented .
17 I got in touch with Bloom and said that I thought the guy had talent and Bloom told me that he was having a wedding anniversary party in Soho , which is in the centre of London , and to give the group £20 and see what he was like .
18 I said that I understood she came from the Continent , and she told me that she was born in Denmark .
19 She told me that she was wearing a blue hat and coat and that she was safely strapped in her pushchair .
20 Is it not time that those pensioners , including the one who told me that she was keeping warm during the day by clutching a hot-water bottle because she could not afford heating bills , were given a decent state pension as of right , without the humiliation of a contributory test , which involves means-testing for those who are in greatest need ?
21 I 'm sure somebody told me that she was working with the trainee at er
22 anything about coming , and yet Jenny came up and told me that she was coming on Friday , er before I got that letter , got that letter the next day
23 ‘ Ubaldo told me that someone was going behind his back , ’ she repeated .
24 I mean , we told you that he was planning what he called a tactful chat with the main protagonists , but I thought the idea was to lull them into a sense of false security .
25 I told you that I was punned today did n't I ?
26 I told you that there was going to be some available but
27 Celie finally stood up to Albert after Shug told him that she was taking Celie with her to Memphis .
28 She suddenly realised how tired she was , but she made an effort and told him that she was travelling to Rome to join her aunt and uncle .
29 Tight-lipped , she told him that she was going back to Arden post-haste .
30 As he was washing , she told him that he was to go to the market for a pig .
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