Example sentences of "told [pron] [that] [pron] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After the meal , Drago told them that he had recently completed a new instrument and that at midnight he and his colleagues were planning to play together , in order to invoke some ghosts .
2 They also told me that they have already held several long meetings .
3 Enthusiastically he told me that he 'd always wanted to visit Morocco , live there even , and that our hashish was the best of all .
4 Martin Fleischmann told me that he had always been puzzled by the behaviour of hydrogen in palladium .
5 He told me that he had once worked for Lipton 's Stores in London , very near my old school , Holloway Comprehensive .
6 Gerry told me that he had once run a showband , and played bass guitar .
7 He told me that he had recently been sacked from his job as a long-distance lorry driver for refusing to drive a defective and dangerous vehicle .
8 One glance at Hannah 's meadows told me that it had very real prospects because it did not have the lush , emerald green appearance of chemically fertilized land .
9 An engineering expert in stress told me that it has recently been discovered that two pieces of metal , indistinguishable unless subjected to sophisticated tests , react differently to precisely the same amount of stress .
10 The only survivor I interviewed who had not married and who had always worked , told me that she had only once been unemployed , for a period of 6 months , when she got a temporary job selling insurance .
11 A friend once told me that she had never told her husband she was Jewish .
12 I asked the dragon-lady if anyone had come in who was n't an owner or a groom , and she bridled like a thin turkey and told me that she had conscientiously checked every visitor against her list of bona fide owners , and only they had been admitted .
13 D'Alembord , contemplating how much happiness he now stood to lose , shivered with a premonition , then told himself that he had always feared the worst before every battle .
14 I told him that we had already committed ourselves to a cut of one half in our sub-strategic nuclear weapons and to smaller conventional forces .
15 They asked him how he proposed to work with Pilger and , to his surprise , told him that he had far more power than Pilger had led him to believe .
16 Now she told him that he had never understood her in any case .
17 He almost told her that he had once lived a year with a girl he had married navvy-style , over the anvil , and had got her with child before she ran away from him .
18 She only liked me for my wealth , and when I , disguised as the gipsy woman , told her that I had only a little money , she and her mother lost interest in me .
19 Well yesterday apparently he told her that she had better turn up this morning cos of her excuses .
20 Then her friend told her that there had just been an earthquake , so the woman concluded that it must have been that good .
21 I told myself that I had up to two hundred and no more .
22 The survey told us that we had very few 11-19 year old visitors — an age group now catered for increasingly by our educational activities .
23 So that told us that we had better get a full-scale defence working immediately . ’
24 you you told us that you had quite a lot meat and veg and things .
25 ‘ She told us that you had all been kept in what looked like some palace rooms , about how you were all positioned , never allowed to touch or speak , and that you were watched through little holes in the door .
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