Example sentences of "found [pron] [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Middlesbrough found it impossible to come to terms with the Israeli as he snatched two first-half goals .
2 I found it impossible to get from Mr and Mrs what their care would be , they were either unable or unwilling to discuss it with me , unquote .
3 Only revolutionary thinkers like Marx found it easy to conceive of situations in which , as it were , 2 + 2 no longer equalled 4 but might equal something else instead or also .
4 I was not quite five feet eight inches high , weighed only nine and a half stone , and found it uncomfortable to stand without arch-supports even for the duration of a hymn in church .
5 For all McStay 's skills Celtic found it frustrating to cope with St Johnstone 's packed and well-marshalled defence .
6 The truth is that Mark had always known him as Steven and naturally found it ridiculous to change to Morrissey .
7 Little more than a year ago you could n't give away shares in the small computer company sector — so friendless were they that Star Computer Group Plc found it necessary to get into bed with a purveyor of pizzas to improve its visibility and rating : after Tadpole Technology Plc and now Division Group Plc — which soared to 107 pence on its first day of trading from the 40 pence placing price before settling at 96 pence — the rest of the sector looks set for a re-rating as investors seek to discern hidden charms that others have overlooked .
8 Ruth knew it but found it hard to face at times .
9 From Africa it was noted in one or two cases , that some visitors who came from extremely distressing and confined situations found it hard to offer to groups the ‘ hopeful and inspiring ’ messages so often hoped for and expected .
10 Coffin found it hard to tuck into Mrs Lorimer 's cold beef and salad after having eaten Lily Bates 's stew .
11 But just as the people in Exodus 16 , when first given the manna , found it hard to come to terms with God 's meticulous generosity , so now they are blinded by the clarity of God 's judgement .
12 Sir Richard Doll , who first discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer , said he could understand that even doctors who smoked found it difficult to quit in spite of the dangers to health .
13 Despite her normal command over words , June Braithwaite found it difficult to ask in ways that were likely to obtain for her what she wanted .
14 There could be no early start : the lads ' co-operation was needed and we always found it difficult to agree on rules .
15 She had been denied the company of males during her early life and now found it difficult to talk to members of the opposite sex .
16 He found it difficult to sleep at night , anxious lest his delay might cause further tragedy at Godstowe .
17 He said some people who found it difficult to pay for relatives ' funerals — due to redundancy or mortgage payments were offered payment by monthly instalments while others who would not or could not pay were pursued to the small claims court .
18 I 've never had an honorary degree before , in fact I come from a generation which found it difficult to get to university so I did n't have a degree of any kind
19 ( He found it difficult to come to terms with the fact - that the Roman Catholics were responsible for the Italian classical revival in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries . )
20 The age of capital found it difficult to come to terms with this problem .
21 Unfortunately , there are so many bolts from so many routes on this dome that I sometimes found it difficult to stay on route .
22 The Editor found it pleasing to think of office workers relaxing in the saloon 's comfortable armchairs and listening to music for a while instead of the click of typewriters .
23 Paul 's opponents found it easier to agree in synod on his unworthiness for office than to eject him from the episcopal residence .
24 Rather like those nineteenth-century American ladies who often found it easier to fight for slaves , or Indians , or heathens or The Poor than for themselves .
25 It was all quite dispiriting and I subsequently found it easier to work with museum officials .
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