Example sentences of "known as the [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Ours is known as the Sons of Dives .
2 This chapel , also known as the Chapel of Miracles ( Capela dos Milagres ) , is situated on the eastern side of the river which divides the city of Machico .
3 When he became known as the composer of marches and was about to take up his first bandmaster post , his wife suggested he use the letters on his case , S.O.U.S.A. as a professional name , and he took the names of his sons as his Christian names .
4 The London Stock Exchange has extensively rewritten The Listing Rules ( formerly known as the Admission of Securities to Listing or the Yellow Book ) .
5 The district court originally gave the gold to the successful salvage team , the Columbus-America Discovery Group of Columbus , Ohio , by applying a finders-keepers rule known as the law of finds .
6 To his non-political contemporaries , however , Sparke was probably best known as the compiler of Crums of Comfort , a collection of prayers for such crises as death , poverty , and war , which went through forty-four editions from its first publication in 1628 to the last in 1755 .
7 On the 15th May 1583 , there moved to Halling its most distinguished resident , William Lambarde , who by this time was well known as the author of books on law , and of his Perambulation of Kent .
8 The Convention not only transferred the Crown to William and Mary , but also laid down certain terms for the new rulers in the document known as the Declaration of Rights , and if the offer of the Crown was not strictly speaking conditional upon William and Mary 's acceptance of these terms , it was clear that everyone expected that they were to abide by them .
9 A second committee , headed by the Williamite Whig , John Somers , and which contained sixteen Whigs to only six Tories , deliberately removed the radical proposals found in the Heads of Grievances , reducing it to the much more conservative document which became known as the Declaration of Rights .
10 Firstly , we have had the introduction in 1981 ( DHSS , 1981 ) of a more formal and comprehensive Investment Appraisal Mechanism known as the Appraisal of Options Procedure .
11 By the end of Elizabeth 's reign , the pope was regarded by an increasingly patriotic English people not only as the Antichrist but also as their sworn national enemy , a view that was deeply embedded in , and reinforced by , John Foxe 's highly popular Acts and Monuments , better known as the Book of Martyrs .
12 According to Jewish calculation , the year of Leonard 's birth was 5694 , in the month of Tishri ( the biblical name is Ethanim ) , which is the first month of the religious year with several of the most important religious festivals in it : New Year 's Day itself ; the 10 Days of Penitence prior to Yom Kippur ( the Day of Atonement ) ; and the pilgrimage festival known as Succoth , also known as the Feast of Booths ( or Tabernacles or Ingathering ) which is a harvest festival , an especially colourful and joyous one traditionally , in which the priestly activities in the Temple climaxed .
13 In a Christian world view which revolves around the battle of good and evil , could not the devil — known as the father of lies — cause the gifts of God to be aped ?
14 In addition , ED 65 proposes that comprehensive income and the change in financial wealth for the period should be disclosed in a new statement known as the Statement of Changes in Financial Wealth ( SCFW ) .
15 They will take in the Taj Mahal and visit Udaipur , known as the City of Dreams .
16 Palmer 's views were shared by the other Northern Residents who , early in his career as Lieutenant-Governor , were organized by him into an effective pressure group known as the Conference of Residents .
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