Example sentences of "sure [conj] [pron] [verb] got [art] " in BNC.

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1 So we have had a failing government , we 've had a failing Tory administration , and the people who are interested in looking after this county and all it 's services within the budget set by central government , has made sure that we have got a good police force , which it will not receive cuts in it 's services , cuts in it 's er , it 's , it 's er , forces , and make sure that other services , like education , social services , libraries , highways and everything else will also be adequately funded in this county .
2 It is important that we examine the Children Act 1989 to make sure that we have got the complaints procedure right .
3 I think that it is sensible , even when you send stuff out to subbies , to make sure that you 've got a reasonable plan , especially when you send out to subbies , because they 're very hard to control anyway and you 've got to make sure that you 've not sent unrealistic targets , either too high or too low .
4 Erm what I 'm doing basically is er putting on as many exhibitions as I can using the centre 's name and making sure that I 've got a good amount of my work in there , although I do n't push anybody else out .
5 However , we can not even be sure that it has got the causal effects absolutely right .
6 So he certainly did n't pay due care to the pace and the speed and make sure that he 'd got a safe gap before pulling out .
7 One of the issues is we 're not quite sure whether we 've got a change in our planned spend , which is what makes the , the comparison against budget look as bad as it currently does , or whether in fact we genuinely are gon na over-run significantly .
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