Example sentences of "sure [conj] [pron] [verb] got [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And Howard strolls benignly among the guests , squeezing an elbow here , kissing a cheek there , making sure that everyone 's got everything he wants .
2 ‘ If you are going to set up things for volunteers , you need to make sure that you 've got your act together because otherwise , if they just turn up and muddle along , they wo n't stay .
3 And stats do take a bit of time to do and you can write off a couple of hours if you 're going to do it properly and make sure that you 've got your i's dotted and your t's crossed . ’
4 Colleagues , I know that people are starting to move out , and I 'm sure that it 's got nothing to do with Mick 's appearance at the rostrum , but colleagues seriously , seriously for the last couple of days we 've had a great deal of disciplines so please try and be as quiet as possible .
5 I still was n't quite sure if I had got it quite right .
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