Example sentences of "enough to be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To be clinically useful , observations must be simple enough to be made by multiple carers on a psychiatric ward ; excessive simplicity , however , may undermine their value .
2 Leaving this community , this stage , this examination is a wrench even for an old-timer fortunate enough to be born with other , and complementary , skills .
3 This control was relatively sensitive and made the Blower Vac controllable enough to be used near delicate plants .
4 Although weight has been increased , the machine is still compact enough to be used in tight corners such as on deep shelving and door frames .
5 Typesize and layout have been chosen to help maintain the flow or reading and the stories are short and simple enough to be read at normal first-language speed .
6 This device froze mini-slabs of ice cream at -40 degrees Farenheit , which made them hard enough to be sealed with warm chocolate .
7 In small matters , it is easy enough to be guided by conventional loyalty .
8 For most of its life , and certainly for its early years , it was either too outspoken to be a children 's show , but not high-brow enough to be considered as adult entertainment .
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