Example sentences of "child 's [adj] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas the other tests so far reviewed have been concerned with specific aspects of linguistic ability , the RDLS is much more concerned with the way in which the child 's increasing mastery of language is associated with conceptual development and more sophisticated problem-solving skills .
2 The child 's increasing mastery of grammar has proved to be the most attractive domain for test developers .
3 These figures give strong support for the view that the RDLS measures a child 's increasing control of language for cognitive functions , but there is little evidence of the test 's ability to identify specific areas of language functioning or its sensitivity to changes in a child 's command of specific language forms or other language functions .
4 First , they represent a putative developmental sequence which reflects the child 's gradual mastery of language for dealing with abstract ideas and , second , they have been shown to generate high levels of inter-observer agreement ( Blank and Franklin 1980 ) ( see Table 7.3 ) .
5 They cite a child 's restricted field of vision , inability to estimate speeds and perception of the street as an exciting adventurous place , not a dangerous one .
6 However , as it was found to be the lack of care which followed the loss of a parent , rather than the loss itself , which explained the child 's increased risk of depression in adulthood , the same vulnerability can be expected to result from lack of care in intact family homes ( Harris et al. , 1986 ) .
7 I will turn finally to experiments on what is now called the ‘ child 's developing theory of mind ’ ( see Astington , Harris and Olson , 1988 ) .
8 Emerging concepts about objects are closely linked to the child 's growing understanding of space , spatial relations and the notion of objects and people being located in a common space .
9 Classically , learning LOGO begins with a child 's own sense of space .
10 It is to suggest that sexual difficulty , or problems in the field of sexual relationship , should be looked out for more often by social workers and others concerned with them , and looked at more from the child 's own point of view .
11 Perhaps , for instance , educational programmes for parents of disabled or ill children might be evaluated to see if reducing any over-involved or overcritical parenting styles reduces the child 's later risk of schizophrenia .
12 A Brummie quintet of dough-faced noise junkies , writhing unashamedly under the influence of classical Stateside garage/grunge nihilism , they evade accusations of mere revivalism on the strength of a feisty Britpunk directness , and singer Billy Child 's natural sense of pose , which is as much Robert Plant as Iggy Pop .
13 A Brummie quintet of dough-faced noise junkies , writhing unashamedly under the influence of classical Stateside garage/grunge nihilism , they evade accusations of mere revivalism on the strength of a feisty Britpunk directness , and singer Billy Child 's natural sense of pose , which is as much Robert Plant as Iggy Pop .
14 Apart from direct experience ; talk with adults continues to be , potentially , the child 's richest source of information about the world he or she lives in .
15 If she is ambivalent , she can be reassured that some mothers breastfeed into the child 's third year of life with no adverse consequences .
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