Example sentences of "knew [that] [pron] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the delegates assembled for the Special Conference on August 15th they heard a lot of revolutionary-sounding rhetoric from leaders who knew that they were kicking at an open door .
2 From the detailed observation of fifteen boards , it was evident that training often followed the pattern of immediate demand rather than being linked to any developmental plan ; thus , a board might ask the headteacher or member of staff for further elaboration of a topic which surfaced at a meeting , such as subject choice by S3 , or individuals might decide to attend an area session on interviewing skills only once they knew that they were to participate in the selection of a senior member of staff .
3 Prior to the announcement by the Spanish government , the South Africans knew that they were barred from playing in the Dutch Open and two tournaments in Scandinavia .
4 They were so dependent on Britain for their trade and knew that they were accepted into the EC only because we had become a member that it was not a subject that exercised them overmuch .
5 By the middle of January 1918 the Labour leaders knew that they were sitting on a potential volcano .
6 He pricked up his ears at one point for he knew that they were talking about him .
7 Well as I say , I had , I do n't , I have n't really had any involvement really with talking to people about their experience of living in the flats until people knew that they were going to be moved out eventually .
8 As an adult she was able to see how wrong it was and she knew that they were indulging in something they should not have been doing — although in her childish innocence she had not been aware that it was anything more than an extension of the love and affection she felt for other members of her family .
9 Although we both knew that we were acting from the best possible motives , I argued , other people were always ready to place a malicious interpretation on their neighbours ' doings and it might therefore be better to wait before breaking the news .
10 As Meryl held out the plate of petits-fours laughingly to Lee , she knew that someone was standing by her shoulder .
11 She knew that it was to do with her being pregnant , but that it was n't the simple fact of her pregnancy .
12 ‘ She knew that it was connected with Matthew wanting to build houses on land adjoining Maurice 's pottery .
13 One survivor says : ‘ When I saw the first bomb fall , I knew that it was going to be a bad day for America ’ .
14 Soon I , too , was very distressed , but I knew that it was going to be dead within a few hours , and I was helpless .
15 She gazed at Johnny beseechingly , begging him to understand , but she knew that it was going to be no good .
16 George had every right to be a bit angry with Lennie because Lennie had caused George to loose his job and Lennie had ‘ adopted ’ George as his family and George knew that it was going to be a long hard task keeping Lennie out of trouble and looking after him .
17 The team manager was well aware of it , knew that it was coming to a head , but took no action .
18 I knew that you were talking to him about something
19 Solidarity with the Spanish Republic undermined the pacifism of many on the left , and Russell knew that he was swimming against the tide when he urged the friends of peace to ‘ avoid the crusading spirit … in relation to Spain , on the grounds that even the best cause is not worth a great war . ’
20 His blue eyes were gazing far away and his wife knew that he was thinking of that distant evening when he and Mrs Curdle had first met , on just such an April evening , many years ago .
21 He knew that he was searching for sixteen points of comparison before he could be sure of positive identification .
22 Then he knew that he was looking at Ralf Isambard , lord of Mormesnil , Erington , Fleace and Parfois .
23 Patrick knew that he was bleeding to death .
24 But she knew that he was lying to her .
25 No one , not even his uncle , knew that he was attached to Military Intelligence .
26 He used affirmations daily , and knew that he was going to be there .
27 Rostov knew that he was going to be able to kick again long before Alexei was in contact with a surface .
28 But Spike knew that he was surrounded by Hunters .
29 So in fact he knew that he was known as the last resort
30 He knew that he was accused of indecisiveness and vacillation ( that is what Hamlet means to Italians ) and seems to have felt he may have broken his lance on windmills ( that is what Don Quixote means ) .
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