Example sentences of "sense that it is [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is in a rather different sense that it is said of the wicked that they will soon fade like the grass ( Ps 37.2 ) , for there it is not an inbuilt weakness of the human constitution that accounts for the imminent death of the wicked but a fate peculiar to wrongdoers .
2 My Lords , is the er Noble Minister aware that the site er which is referred to is not of great market value in the sense that it is scheduled by the planning authority for use only as an open space or for community housing .
3 In recent years , there has been some return to the classical view that the real wage is too high and that unemployment is ‘ voluntary ’ in the sense that it is caused by workers refusing to accept wage cuts .
4 Even if government policy is linked to the future state of the economy in the sense that it is influenced by the predictions of some government economic model , these predictions can be currently ascertained and used to make government policy predictable .
5 Umberto Eco 's magisterial novel The Name of the Rose ( 1983 ) , for example , plays on the dialectic between the reader 's curiosity about the medieval world and his/her almost total ignorance of it ( funnelled , as Eco explains in his Reflections on the novel , through the observations of the novice Adso ( Eco 1985 : 33–4 ) ; between the sense that the historical world ( the abbey and the cultural and religious context of the time ) is a world of its own and the sense that it is connected to the world of the reader .
6 It is universal in the sense that it is used on all five continents .
7 This is dialectical , both in the sense that it is marked by many kinds of interplay , as we have seen , and in the sense that at each stage there is retention and extension of existing elements , as well as negation of them .
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