Example sentences of "moment when [pron] [vb past] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She took a calming breath and turned , and was put off her stroke for a moment when she saw his glance flicking over her slim and erect carriage , taking in the elegant and attractive navy-trimmed white outfit she wore .
2 One director used him in Waiting for Godot , and he felt at home in a straight play at last , but unfortunately a critic wrote four hundred words about the Christly nature of the moment when he took his hat off .
3 The moment when he knew his mother finally acknowledged that she needed him , was then , when she lowered her eyes , and gave a small resigned sigh of agreement .
4 ‘ Well , if it was intended as a distraction , then that must have been the moment when he poisoned his wife .
5 It was n't difficult ; I lost you for a moment when you covered your hair , but I know you too well for you to be able to hide from me . ’
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