Example sentences of "seemed to [pron] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I have been over enthusiastic about this project , but there was something about the schools I visited , and I am no stranger to African primary schools , which seemed to me to provide a recipe for steady progress .
2 With its egalitarian tradition of periodic redistribution of the land it seemed to them to provide a basis on which Russia could bypass capitalism and make a direct transition to socialism .
3 The Cabinet seemed to him to have a reputation of worthiness verging on the dull .
4 Murray seemed to him to have a laziness of spirit and a lack of character ; Richard , on the other hand , gave the impression of a great potential traduced by charm .
5 At first , the Zuwaitina canteen milk seemed to everyone concerned an instance of just such a letter-of-the-law possession , The realization that it was an issue of constitutional principle came slowly , when the Jordanian 's lawyer ( Abdulsalam Abdulhadi ) outlined his defence .
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