Example sentences of "black [coord] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A similar taste undoubtedly drove the price of Carmontelle 's black and red chalk mannikin of ‘ Mademoiselle Grimperel with a Viola ’ ( est. $10,000–15,000 ) to a phone bidder for an absurdly high $55,000 ( £34,000 ) .
2 ‘ How are you getting on with your little black and white lady friend in the garden ? ’ he asked Tobermory .
3 A large black , white and brownish plover , with long yellow legs and distinctive black and white head pattern with a bright red wattle around and in front of each eye .
4 While quartz gives grey and white interference colours , the bright colours of Plate 6.1b are produced by an amphibole mineral ( pale colour to yellow to red ) and the black and white stripey pattern by the feldspar mineral plagioclase .
5 Maid Of Money , 12-1 , will also go for the Gold Cup but they are likely to meet again in the Black and White Gold Cup at Leopardstown .
6 Below right : A striking black and white colour scheme with marbled and textured wallpaper is used in the inviting hallway
7 She was lead singer in the Black and White Minstrel Show during the 70s .
8 ‘ I 'm hoping the doctors 'll have broken the news about her husband and her daughter , sir , ’ said Camb as they crossed the black and white checkerboard foyer of the station .
9 A more valid comparison would be between Black and White arrest rates of those living in the same small areas , because their living circumstances are more likely to be similar , as is their policing .
10 The distinctive black and white summer plumage of the male pied flycatcher .
11 They were mercenaries , wearing the black and white linen bands of the Free Company , but there were two or three others in full Hearthware armour who seemed to be in charge .
12 When the result — 373 votes for , 12 against — flashed up on the black and green computer screens at either end of the chamber , the assembled deputies gave themselves a short , self-congratulatory round of applause .
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