Example sentences of "gave up [pos pn] [noun] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then her legs developed new spasms and new deformities : she gave up her job and stopped driving .
2 she gave up her flat and went to live with her mother .
3 Her little shriek was cut off with unerring accuracy by the simple expedient of covering her mouth with his , and she gave up her struggles and surrendered , her foolish heart only too grateful for the crumbs he offered .
4 With the outbreak of World War II she gave up her research and worked in the Cambridge offices of the YMCA and WVS , and also in Addenbrooke 's Hospital library ( 1940–3 ) .
5 When Mary Jane and Simon Cole gave up their travels and settled in London , they filled their home with reminders of the bright , exotic countries they 'd seen .
6 ‘ You would be a lot better off , Miss Honey , ’ she said , ‘ if you gave up your job and drew unemployment money . ’
7 Ever since I gave up my job and started waiting for the film to happen , I too have felt like a gap in between things .
8 ‘ I started making hats when I gave up my job and needed something to do .
9 In 1613 , therefore , he gave up his Fellowship and left for the Continent in the suite of the Princess Elizabeth , who had just married the Elector Frederick of the Rhine .
10 If he called , she 'd pretend to be out , she 'd hide in an outhouse , hide in the straw in the barn until he gave up his snooping and went away .
11 But when the girl screamed Floyd immediately gave up his attempt and tried to shake hands with her .
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