Example sentences of "saw [pron] [verb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For just when Gabriel thought he was rid of the devil-man , he saw them arguing at a distance , father and daughter ; Izzie pointing back towards the cart , Lucie shaking his head ; Izzie tugging on his arm , pleading , and her father pushing her away .
2 She saw them standing at the window looking at someone in the garden with great interest .
3 He saw me looking at the picture and said , ‘ Kolwezi , Southern Zaire , 1978 . ’
4 Reid saw me looking at the iron bars .
5 ‘ When I was walking up to Keble Road yesterday I saw someone standing at the bus-stop outside St Giles ’ Church , waiting to get up to Summertown .
6 But the comm-screen exposes faces in the harshest detail , and for an instant I saw something move at the back of his wet old eyes , like a creature threshing in a net .
7 Two of the Bernard brothers first saw her seated at a bar drinking , whilst apparently listening to her male companion who was talking to her , quietly and seriously and in an unobtrusive manner .
8 When they saw her appear at the bedroom window , they could only assume she was all right .
9 As they passed through the hall , she saw him glance at the picture that was hanging there , and asked him on an impulse if he knew who the original was .
10 He watched her climb on to the chair , and she saw him grin at the sight of her sore rump , which she thought must burn as brightly as any beacon .
11 When I saw him dancing at the Saturday night disco at the Turtle Bay Hilton I thought I had discovered how it was he managed to survive those horrendous wipeouts .
12 In particular , the Magyar gentry saw themselves placed at a disadvantage compared with German-speakers at the same time as their historic liberties were threatened .
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