Example sentences of "all over [art] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If he lay there until the morning , assuming he did not pass out , or drown , or spew up and choke to death in the meantime , he would be found when the boys came in to wash ; the humiliation would be unbearable and the whole story would be all over the school by breakfast .
2 In any case , ’ he added , turning to look at her intently , ‘ the fact that I was in your room at this hour will be all over the hotel by morning . ’
3 He knew he was bleeding all over the work of art .
4 The poem you 're about to hear is one that 's recited all over the country on Remembrance Day — the fourth verse , in particular , you 'll hear recited on its own or see inscribed on war memorials .
5 That support involved ferrying Chris all over the country for race meetings in his younger days .
6 Farmhouse cheeses are being made throughout the British Isles and many are available all over the country through specialist cheese shops .
7 Armed only with a sketchbook , Olwen travels all over the country in search of botanical gardens and interesting conservatories .
8 Mrs Boatman will certainly not be expecting her potential charges at Northumberland to be chasing all over the country in search of titles .
9 The travelling too was very difficult , all over the country by car or coach .
10 Everywhere and all over the vault of heaven is a marvellous blue , and the sun sheds a radiance of pale sulphur , and it is soft and lovely as the combination of heavenly blues and yellows in a Van der Meer of Delft [ sic ] .
11 But if noise is the point at which language buckles and culture fails , then you could argue that noise occurs in moments , tiny breakages and stresses dispersed all over the surface of music , all kinds of music .
12 Apart from us there are usually some research students on the island and up to six overnight guests and six volunteers who come from all over the world on working holidays .
13 As an artist , he had always made an adequate living , and Willises , carefully packed in stiff board and oiled paper , were despatched — since a number of his patrons were in the Merchant Navy — to ports all over the world for collection .
14 Simon Barrington-Ward , Bishop of Coventry , wrote recently ‘ We certainly have an experience all over the world of church leaders in loneliness needing to submit themselves to others and this is a crying need that is just not being met ’ .
15 Vast amounts of capital and capacity were installed all over the world in expectation of continuing rising demand and no technological change .
16 The legal adviser helps to negotiate the firm 's contracts ( and may have to travel all over the world in order to do so ) , keeps it right on matters of company law and employment law , pilots takeovers , etc. , and may , on a wider front , advise on what is proper conduct within a system of self-regulation adopted within the industry by means of a Code of Practice .
17 Another thing which makes Nanking look less cluttered is the absence of the horse- and donkey-drawn vehicles which one saw all over the place in North China , including the main streets of Peking and Sian .
18 Although he was hitting the ball all over the place in practice , Seve was figuring out which side of the fairways to miss on a lot of holes , and places where he could n't go at all .
19 I suppose the very idea that they have spacecraft and can zoom about all over the Galaxy at warp seven , leads us to assume that they must be .
20 You lie feebly and sign the petition as quickly as possible , dripping exotic avocado body lotion all over the piece of paper .
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