Example sentences of "sort [prep] [noun sg] and [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I joining the company something like that and if they did when you do join a department that does it you have a great sense of belonging , because some of the things you 'll do for the training will be allocated to other members round a team , yeah , all this sort of stuff and it becomes very easy , takes a monkey off your back as it were , you do n't have to worry .
2 They also like this sort of excitement and you know when things chop and change and there 's sort of erm almost like a crisis situation and lots of excitement , lots of activity , activists actually thrive on that , they like that sort of challenge that stimulates their learning .
3 But then I 'm used to him doing all the sort of gardening and I mean , I would n't think of doing that , or decorating , you see .
4 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
5 Now , with the best will in the world , I stand in front of that sort of painting and I get very little from it .
6 ‘ In Byrne , Sunderland have a player who could supply that sort of brilliance and they have a great Cup tradition , too .
7 I mean people have er er budgie or er er er another sort of bird and they think it does n't need any looking after .
8 Any ideas what what could you look at that sort of question and you think this is impossible .
9 erm from yesterday er I think meself personally I 'm very methodical sort of person and I felt what was most important the revelations meself was thought patterns and the use of most structured structured in a presentation and also the importance I could n't believe how that using them made such a difference actually to yourself when you 're standing there and the audience participation erm thought patterns well I 've always used that was just a revelation I mean I 've never
10 I feel secure in the sense that I 'm my own sort of person and I feel loved by Lucy .
11 Consequently , I decided I would be an androgynous sort of person and I found old esoteric idea about being a whole person in the alchemical or shamanic sense , a female-male composite , increasingly attractive .
12 I am not a very social sort of person and I find it difficult to have strangers in my home . ’
13 I realise I am an obsessive sort of person and I realise I may never totally overcome my transsexual feelings .
14 Fred Titmus bowled the right sort of ball and I smashed it in the direction of the pavilion .
15 ‘ It was very hard work for that sort of money and I consider it an insult , ’ Austin said of the earlier award .
16 Italy are going to be defending their territory , they 've got all these teams in their country , and like , some of them ; England , Holland , German , they 're going to like be there on Italian sort of territory and they do n't want that , they 're going to be , there 's going to be trouble I think .
17 Mathematics is the perfect language for this sort of exercise and it shows its power by penetrating beyond the every-day dialectic of wave and particle to the synthesis of a quantum field .
18 sort of jargon and you think well it 's like cos er er they 're
19 But what is really relevant is to state that against Ireland they played absolutely the right sort of game and they played it with utter conviction and quite brilliant execution .
20 The customer is the people of Lincolnshire that we represent , they are going to lose out by this sort of policy and we oppose the principle of borrowing for these sort of reasons ,
21 You know , it 's got a hundred and twenty eight thousand pension schemes , papers are gon na flood through the door and annual reports and that sort of thing and it seems to me that all of Goods th the way that this , this pension regulator is deemed to act is that he 's expecting the auditors and the actuaries to whistle blow and
22 been out with a woman 's erm undressed in front of you you know you 've done the bit you 've er you 've managed to er within three easy steps undo the bra with one hand whilst er telling her you know you 're a really nice guy and there 's no chance of going too far and all that sort of thing and you know you get you get fairly carried away you may even be under the sheets
23 Yeah Charlotte you always , I hate the way you always relent and you always say oh well , you know , I should n't be angry with them cos they just wanted some fun and you know , never mind eh , sort of thing and you know , you suc yeah but why do you succumb
24 Not in a very big way , but I 've got an eye for that sort of thing and I told him I would n't split on him if he resigned and helped me choose the successor I wanted .
25 But the butchers shop was er a very well known shop , and er I remember very well we used to go into there er of course when things were re were really poor , you 'd go into the butchers shop in the middle of the week perhaps about Thursday and erm they used to sell they used to cook their own meats then of course you know , pressed beef and all that sort of thing and I remember this beautiful big white erm well it 'd be a ceramic dish affair on a stand , used to have a big piece of this pressed beef in it , cutting it off , and all the little bits used to fall round the side , well them come Thursday when only got a shilling in your pocket or your parents had got a couple of shillings left , you got to fetch two pennyworth of the bits of the pressed beef that had fallen round the pan , and that was a meal .
26 Er what would you be able to manage on , sort of thing and I said about two hundred and fifty a year and er , you know , that was quite realistic in those days but erm obviously it would n't go very far now , would it ?
27 One of a family of six and me elder brother was me bro me dad had a little business in the keys in and er they were hard times and me elder brother we used to go and work for him because me dad said he must and er from , after school I used to go and perhaps do the errands or a bit of filing , the odd jobs and all that sort of thing and I grew up with locks and keys and files from twelve , even before I left school .
28 Then I was able to er go for my own self , you know and er I went on doing locks , one thing and another , best I could and all that sort of thing and I worked for a , a bloke what was in there er be a little bloke but he was the best locksmith in the shop and I went to help him and er he used to give me all the to do and this and that and the other .
29 Not on that sort of thing but other things as well sort of thing and I do n't wan na I 'd like to know .
30 You know she said I just said to her oh how 's Jimmy sort of thing and she said he 's alright .
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