Example sentences of "sort of [adj] [noun] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 JIM Maxmin , Laura Ashley 's ebullient new American chief executive , may be just the sort of new blood the company needs , but his transatlantic marketing speak sits uncomfortably with the brand 's image .
2 And around each blow the flesh shuddered — the same sort of involuntary movement a cow will use to despatch a fly , but the ripples were more pronounced and further-reaching .
3 Brave as could be in the cocked-up invasion of Crete and in the Yugoslavian mountains with Tito , he was still just the sort of awkward squaddie no army likes .
4 But more in , but what it was we when I was in here , sort of five days a week , nine to five job
5 Let's say the water comes in here at sort of ten gallons a minute .
6 Upon being reminded that Darlington was the sort of marginal constituency the Party may like to win she assumed then that the recipients must live in Tory wards .
7 And then , and that , that may solve all sorts of problems for you , if you were going to do that sort of seven days a week , let's say from seven in the morning until , I do n't know , nine at nigh , at night or something .
8 The ‘ poisoned chalice ’ of a fundamentally weak economy actually constitutes an inhibition on the sort of spontaneous recovery the government is looking for — William Keegan in the Observer
9 His dummy , leading on the story of a northern factory which was allegedly poisoning its workers , had been marked down as brilliant and just the sort of hard-hitting stuff the paper wanted .
10 I do so again to counter the growing myth that Teesside is becoming some sort of earthly paradise a wonderland where industry and nature have achieved perfect harmony .
11 Verity made a sort of wriggling motion a couple of times , straining back against her seat .
12 Instead of Farrell or Foster , Hammersmith settled for a flashy Post-Modern office and retail development which , while providing the sort of covered spaces the borough wanted , led nowhere architecturally .
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