Example sentences of "sort of [noun] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is a nonsense to inhibit that sort of synergy on the basis that together the merged units have a logically dominant position in the relatively small British market .
2 In other words we have to be able to demonstrate that we can do better by some sort of synergy in the group ; if we ca n't do that then the group is better broken up and the individual parts allowed to fly free and attract their own shareholding .
3 and Arthur was erm sort of Clerk to the Library Sub committee
4 I think she does appeal to the public schoolboy as the sort of mixture of the matron and many other things which psychiatrists could describe . ’
5 As the net closed in , guided by a man balancing in a sort of tub in the water , the fish jumped higher and higher out of the water , and some of them managed to escape .
6 Yeah yeah certainly , erm I think that 's er that 's good , well if , if you can , if you can access it er in some way informally or , or , you know , it 's probably un unlikely that you 'd get too much stuff in writing as you say but , you know , er it could be very er productive and interesting erm tt erm can that sort of thing , particularly if you can get it in terms of quotes from people , you can sort of , you know , make a project look quite nice because it looks like if you do all this , you know , sort of stuff with the attitude scales it , it 's er it gives you lots of nice numerical data but er
7 There 's usually some sort of scene in the morning .
8 Mildred lapsed into silence and fixed her eyes on Maud in the hope that she might be able to send some sort of message through the air — like a radio wave — to her friend .
9 I 'm gon na go through each one of those sort of variations in a bit more depth er later on .
10 First , Wittgenstein sees this sort of foundationalist as a form of sceptic , who admits the difficulty of showing that we are ever justified in believing that other persons exist .
11 I could n't quite tell , and as a sort of curator of the afternoon , it made me nervous .
12 Question : does this suggest that ( a ) his nine lives are up ; or ( b ) this is some sort of vision for the future of the health service ?
13 ‘ There is now no sort of work in the home strictly reserved for the wives , ’ Young concluded .
14 Husbands also did a lot of work in the home , including many jobs which are not at all traditional men 's ones … there is now no sort of work in the home strictly reserved for ‘ the wives ’ .
15 So , providing you say yes there will be occasions when the machine can take over some sort of part of the teacher 's role , then fair enough , yes , but I think one of the interesting ways in which computers are used at the present time , particularly again in the primary school , is as orchestrators of group work .
16 Be be because you know it , it really is , it 's erm er it is sort of really we see it as sort of part of the confirmation programme really and your involvement in it , and it 's all sort of quite erm special to confirmation so it would be nice if you could be involved .
17 And the E I and the J and the P are if you like sort of part of the bodywork which decides whether you 're a sports car or a heavy goods
18 But he would never see it because his heart was more concerned with the new love of his life and some sort of retribution for the past .
19 I du n no you , yeah , you just sort of got ta say ob obviously you want to think about it , obviously it 's , you know it 's a lot of money , you know , but are you happy with the window , is it , you know , is it the sort of style of the win , you know , is it the sort of style of the window , we , we , I du n no , we agreed on this sort of style , is it the , you know , the sort of style that goes , goes with it , go through sort of one or two what and find out what , what it is they really want to think about
20 An expert can not get this sort of help from the court , as can an arbitrator : see 16.3.4 .
21 put in a great deal of their time erm going to work and that could be working for er a European or an American right , er some sort of help in the house , or in the garden or whatever , so you had the men doing the same sort of tasks the housework as it were for Europeans and Americans and the women looking after the , the economic development of that little
22 Eliot , in The Use of Poetry , quoted Jacques Rivière : ‘ It is only with the advent of Romanticism that the literary act came to be conceived as a sort of raid on the absolute and its results as a revelation . ’
23 Andrew stavanger was beginning to emerge in my mind with a shadowy personality — as the vest sort of successor to a family business , with a high sense of responsibility reinforced by his disciplined training at sea .
24 They used to go all the way out to these erm Searchlight Stations and erm they used to , very often they , they were situated in a , in a sort of pit in a dug out and erm when they arrived of course er the Education Officer had forgotten to tell the , the troops that there was a lecture that they were supposed to attend and er nobody turned up .
25 Cranks was another revue that had become a sort of watchword for the kind of show this was .
26 erm the best candidate for that kind of deposit are deep see cores — I mean there 's a continuous rain of stuff falling from the surface of the sea to the bottom of the sea and forming a great sort of ooze on the bottom and gradually compacting down into rock — cores of this stuff are now available and palaeontologists can look and see what happens .
27 Most people have absorbed the idea that there is some sort of accountability at the end of life and that they may well need to be preparing to ‘ meet their maker ’ .
28 Detach say two hundred , and use these to make a gesture at Roxburgh , some sort of sally towards the castle , hiding the remainder away , if necessary in groups .
29 A table for two had been set in a sort of bower beneath a canopy of spreading palms .
30 At another command the Floridians formed , not a line , but a sort of V-shape with the woman at the tip of it and the travellers inside it .
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