Example sentences of "himself [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He gathered himself for a giant leap and SPRONG ! landed right in the middle of the sleeping ducks .
2 He offers himself as a strong figure and also a young one .
3 Well , the angel Gabriel disguised himself as a poor beggar and walked through the forest until he came to this pear tree .
4 Of these Tom Cruise established himself as a powerful actor and major star in Rainman ( 1989 ) and Born on the Fourth of July ( 1990 ) .
5 He still described himself as a private tutor and the purpose of his journey abroad as ‘ holiday touring ’ .
6 The schoolboy tight-head fancied himself as a hard man and was intent on working Elliot who , in fact , was so immensely strong that the lad can have been no more than the most minor of irritants .
7 Remembering my conversations with him at the end of 1975 and the beginning of 1976 , it was clear that he wanted fresh fields to conquer , that he thought he had more than proved himself as a racing driver and that he thought he could , with no great difficulty , follow a Bruce McLaren , for instance , and make his own way in cars of his own .
8 Or how about U.S. lock and Air Force captain Kevin Swords , who established himself as a world-class player and leader at the 1991 World Cup , but is still totally ignored in the U.S. outside the rugby community ?
9 One man identified himself as a jobbing builder and chatted to the woman , who was in her seventies , while another searched the house in Brougham Street , Darlington , on Tuesday .
10 One of the greatest gifts known to man is the one he can give himself of a joyous heart and it can come from no one else , for it comes from the springs of a man 's own spirit .
11 But his self-education had been very thorough , so that he turned himself into a good Latinist and a good Grecian also , as Pound in Confucius to Cummins acknowledged .
12 Alex worked himself into a crimson-faced rage and bit the curled corner of the carpet , whereupon Marie picked him up bodily and carried him out of the room .
13 In addition , the war years had turned de Gaulle himself into a national leader and given him a unique symbolic identity , and yet had left him an inexperienced politician without an organized or cohesive following .
14 He had got himself into a difficult position and had escaped with more luck than dignity .
15 Frankie climbed into bed , curled himself into a tight ball and pulled the covers up over his head .
16 The mandarin excused himself with a nervous smile and moved quickly away across the antechamber to talk with a group of French officials .
17 He hoisted himself onto a high stool and wedged his stout thighs beneath the rail of the counter .
18 Mr Chittenden had already doused himself in a flammable liquid and set himself alight .
19 Mr Chittenden had already doused himself in a flammable liquid and set himself alight .
20 As they were doing so , Mr Chittenden had already doused himself in a flammable liquid and set himself alight .
21 Googol talked to himself in a muffled manner or merely droned — hard to say which — whenever he was in space .
22 The elderly admirer is Nestor himself in a false beard and Irma , who is clearly short sighted as well as dim and really nice , hardly notices the difference .
23 He prides himself on a forthright nature and says he has asked more questions than any other MP in the House .
24 At one point Blake found himself on a main street and saw two policemen outside a baker 's shop .
25 After designing an architect 's dream , he will then have to try and make it functional , having committed himself to a particular shape and size .
26 An order may require the child to comply with any directions given by the supervisor : ( i ) to live at a specified place or places for certain periods of time ; ( ii ) to present himself to a specified person or persons at times and places as specified ; ( iii ) to participate in specified activities at certain times ( para 2 ) .
27 He opened the freezer and helped himself to a cold beer and the last of the chicken drumsticks from the packet he had bought earlier in the week .
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