Example sentences of "'s [vb pp] [pron] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There is more to life than worrying about how the maid 's ironed your nightdress or you know .
2 A problem that 's come your way and it is n't the usual problems that you can quickly find an answer to .
3 Now I have to be careful what I say about Lady Thatcher 's because of the laws of libel and also I do n't know who 's written which pieces but it 's known she 's had help you see .
4 Erm but I 'm hoping that one day he 'll see I know he 's seen my work and I think I 've got a sneaking suspicion that when he came in here he was gon na ask me to do it .
5 ‘ It 's told me things that you 'd never have admitted in a hundred years . ’
6 So I said what have you got it all then ? she 's bought your present but she ca n't post it .
7 She 's got her work and I 've got mine and at night we 've only got time to learn our lines before we hit bed . ’
8 Well he 's got his allotment and he helps Tina does n't he ?
9 He 's got his life and I 've got nothing .
10 Mm but it 's good in a way that he 's got his money because he can sort of , sort of finance ours
11 Well the husband goes out and she 's got his dinner and he 's underneath sort of going
12 she 's had her chance and I 'm doing all I can to help her but at the end of the day it 's on her shoulders .
13 Well , Sue 's hurt her shoulder cos she was carrying her bag on the train you know coming back from Birmingham .
14 That was my boyfriend but he 's hurt his thumb and he do n't like me any more .
15 You 're gon na have to see Stuey now cos Ann 's eaten her fish and he 's got .
16 Look she 's straightened her arms and I ca n't get it in
17 My best friend 's lost his father and he said well I lay awake all last night thinking about it .
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