Example sentences of "'s [verb] [prep] [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well you see it 's got ta be a reasonable fit .
2 It 's got ta be a good thing if you miss it bad enough .
3 Oh , it 's got ta be a flat roof then .
4 and then after the course there 's got ta be a post-evaluation form fed out .
5 It 's got ta be a bright colour .
6 If those figures are right of four hundred and ten now you do n't need to be a real big mathematician , even at this time of night , but you , if you have the two hundred and thirty four out of commission and you 've got to have those cos that 's got ta be a rolling programme each four years .
7 It 's got to be a political solution .
8 It 's got to be a complete day . ’
9 It is with Barclays , but I mean the , there 's got to be a standard figure for the Barclaycard .
10 It is n't worth it if it was foisted on you , or you inherited it 's got to be a personal thing .
11 I mean think er , life assurance erm , obviously it 's the to have fails , but if somebody is eligible for , and can afford living assurance , it 's got to be a brilliant product .
12 If we can help people in those circumstances it 's got to be a brilliant product .
13 It 's got to be a good loaf of bread , like that one you buy down the road , the black one , that 'll do .
14 That 's got to be a good thing . ’
15 ‘ A taxi bike like this is good for the environment and with the parking problems in London , it 's got to be a good thing .
16 He says he 's got to be a good tractor driver and be able to go straight .
17 Well not disappointed that they 'd picked up Marvin Cox because obviously they 're going to need a very strong side if they 're going to win anything so erm you know , with guys like Marvin around , then it 's got to be a good idea , you know , they 've obviously made a big jump there to grab someone they think 's going to make a difference .
18 ‘ It 's got to be a sugared pill , always .
19 There 's got to be a Happy Medium Between
20 Whether you adopt the the one which the Government favour as a commercial it 's got to be a commercial enterprise and pay .
21 Not that you suspect him because you do n't like the look of him walking the streets — he 's got to be a suspected person .
22 That 's got a glossy leaf and I know by an elimination process it 's got to be a euonymous of some descripton .
23 Just before seven she left Jed to pick out some toys and books to be taking with him — and it 's got to be a portable amount , she warned and went to check that she would n't be needed for a while .
24 So I think you 're right , it 's got to be a massive change for people .
25 No , it 's got to be an alert , and if we all keep to the same story we might just get away with it .
26 No idea he 's gone from being a Jewish rabbi last night and he 's he 's sort of gone okay we 'll leap now out of , so he 's leapt out of that one and he 's leapt straight into a fucking little boy 's erm body right , and he 's a mongoloid poor little soul and he 's a downs syndrome kid .
27 where at the end , you do n't , you know , you expect it 's haunted to be a real you know , she says oh no screw that we 've got the market by the bollocks
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