Example sentences of "'s just [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When Gilda heard what happened , she said , ‘ A man who 's just staggered out of a nasty relationship wants a bloody nursemaid at first , and then he wants to play the field for a bit .
2 It 's just built up over the last coupla years really .
3 Sue 's just gone past at a hundred miles per hour .
4 Pike was standing by a wooden rack of pamphlets , including What Has Old Mother Walsh to Say to Us ? and a large , colourful one for the kiddies entitled Daddy is n't Dead , He 's Just Gone Out for a Bit .
5 They 'll probably be in all night and she 's just walked up from the bingo and toddle in there .
6 Belushi exudes all the erotic charisma of a frozen carp , Bracco looks and acts as if she 's just signed up with a Dial a Dime Hostess service and there are various large signposts pointing firmly at The Murderer .
7 We like your cleverness Has he given it more thought , he 's just come up with a really clever idea I think there
8 Let's say you receive a call in your boss ' office , on your boss ' phone , it 's just come through to the wrong one .
9 She promised to find out , and she 's just come back with the results .
10 An Oxford aid worker who 's just come back from the Croatian capital Zagreb , says the situation there is getting out of hand .
11 The wh he said in fact it 's just come in for the programme or something has n't it .
12 He 's just come in on the come back trail and he seems to me to be getting better and better .
13 Most faces have turned to watch the ā gri who 's just come out of the shrine and is standing in the doorway .
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