Example sentences of "before [pers pn] can be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once the casualty is out of the car , paramedics from the county 's ambulance trust take over , sustaining the patient before she can be driven to hospital .
2 You have to establish your bona fides before you can be listened to . "
3 This examination must be passed before they can be accepted for the remainder of the course .
4 They still require experimental evidence before they can be accepted as fact .
5 The signal contents of these responses need careful reconsideration before they can be related to VOR adaptation .
6 Thus , any shares offered for sale must first be offered to other shareholders before they can be transferred to a third party .
7 So many people visit the countryside and pick wild flowers because they find them pretty , only to have those flowers wilt and die long before they can be arranged in a vase .
8 The prospect for holding UDC schedules as a thesaurus is promising , but the schedules will need some adjustment before they can be adopted in an operational system .
9 Some eurobonds have a lock-up period of 90 days before they can be sold through the secondary markets to domestic investors .
10 The University may consider applications from overseas candidates received after the normal closing date of 15 December , but candidates should make early application through UCAS , so that they can be informed in good time of any further qualifications required before they can be considered for admission .
11 So jewellers can not get their new stock hallmarked and 800,000 articles are now waiting to be examined before they can be put on sale .
12 Note that all the files referenced by the FOREIGN module , and the header file itself , must be in the same account and in the same directory before they can be entered into LIFESPAN .
13 The cartographic data must exist in digital format before they can be used within a GIS ; although the amount of digital map data is growing larger a considerable amount of manual digitizing is needed in practice to provide the database necessary for a successful GIS .
14 Even facts of observation need interpreting before they can be counted on , and any facts about underlying mechanisms or structures are ‘ visible ’ only through theoretical spectacles .
15 what must happen before they can be complied with ?
16 However , more knowledge of the long term effects of these drugs is needed before they can be recommended as a safe alternative to tricyclic antidepressants , which are less expensive , equally effective , and well tolerated .
17 ’ Tom , therefore , had to pass through various stages of purification , in which water is the essential element , before he can be reunited in heaven with Ellie , the well-brought-up little girl , into those bedroom in Harthover House he had so unceremoniously descended by way of the chimney .
18 But the owner 's possession , and with it his actual power to exercise his rights , is for the time being gone ; he must recover the watch — as he may even lawfully do by his own act — before he can be said to be again in possession of it .
19 This is familiar language , and Eleanor Gordon and others have argued that much more investigation of the circumstances of setting up women 's unions is needed before it can be accepted at face value , Material obstacles made union membership difficult for women : their low pay made it hard to pay dues , while their domestic duties as daughters and sisters , not to mention the question of staying out late , made it hard to attend meetings .
20 It 's grown on huge farms called plantations , and it has to be planted , as the name suggests , cultivated and harvested , before it can be packed into great ships and sent to us .
21 The disadvantage of the Helblaster is that it is impossible to reload on the battlefield — each barrel has to be removed and fitted with a new charge before it can be replaced on the gun .
22 Town water , although potable , is often unsuitable for textile processes such as package-dyeing because it contains suspended matter and soluble calcium and magnesium salts ; filtration and softening may be necessary before it can be employed with confidence in a process in which impurities can filter out upon yarn or fabric .
23 This is tantamount to saying that before it can be regarded as an adequate replacement for a falsified theory , a newly and boldly proposed theory must make some novel predictions that are confirmed .
24 Taking the Dornier 's position will be Hudson A16-199 , itself needing the other wings removed before it can be towed from its current position through the Sydney Camm Hall in the centre of the display area , and back down past the Beaufighter and Belvedere , finally being positioned opposite the Stranraer flying-boat .
25 CLI is currently out in review form at the moment — the group says it has to be fine-tuned before it can be released to members in July .
26 There is no evidence that zinc metal was ever prepared in Africa — it has to be made by condensation since it volatilises before it can be reduced from the ore .
27 Apart from the question of the number of dimensions that space-time appears to have , string theory still has several other problems that must be solved before it can be acclaimed as the ultimate unified theory of physics .
28 The Client must have been created before it can be used at this option .
29 You see ads for PCs promoting themselves as ‘ network-ready ’ and you wonder just how ready a PC needs to be before it can be used on a LAN .
30 He will thus avoid buying material before it can be used by accepting a small and defined risk of delaying production .
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