Example sentences of "use [prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Surely manufacturers who offer these products and recommend them of use as a priming support for oils have done their research properly ?
2 You 'll also need a quantity of bitumen emulsion for use as a tack coat over the existing surface .
3 On the day of the British Grand Prix at Silverstone , Kidlington was in use as a feeder airport for helicopters to refuel and transfer passengers to and from the race circuit .
4 refAndWeights — Saves a set of ‘ good ’ measures for use as a consistency check on each measurement and computes a weighting between the top and bottom halves of the image .
5 Would not my right hon. Friend be insulting British farmers if he were to suggest that he should decimate the financial support available to them so that it could be given to M. Delors for use as a slush fund for so-called cohesion — a bribe to the countries of southern Europe ?
6 The ‘ Border Warhorn ’ which was to hang in Abbotsford was found in use as a grease vessel for a local labourer 's scythe .
7 The " Big Brother " image was made for use as a background blow-up in a Walter Cronkite CBS television film on Orwell 's 1984 .
8 Both chamomiles are cultivated mainly for their medicinal properties , and Roman chamomile has a further use as a grass substitute for lawns .
9 I 've been in touch with the Public Hall and I understand the Mill Yard will be in use as a car park for an Antiques Fair on 28th March 93 .
10 This was the seat of the king 's magistrate and its main parish church , St Nicholas ' , had a second use as an assembly hall for the town representatives .
11 Databases have an obvious use as an information source for desk research .
12 Singled out for praise was the use of a cartoon Michelangelo across the centre spread to illustrate a feature headlined ‘ Invest in your future ’ — all about Personal Development Plans .
13 The protein concentration in the supernatant was determined by use of a microassay version of the Coomassie G 250 method , using bovine serum albumin as a standard .
14 The use of a spacing device for the higher salbutamol doses increases the amount delivered to the airways and might also underestimate dose equivalence since airway and systemic effects of β 2 agonists are mainly due to inhaled drug .
15 Three of the schools visited made regular use of a video recording of The Machine Gunners as a basis for a further topic work .
16 However , following use of a weed killer on the lawn , earthworms should not be collected for at least four weeks from this site .
17 Peter , having been dismissed because his work as a traffic clerk has been largely supplanted by use of a computer program for traffic Mows , vehicle scheduling and so on is eligible for a redundancy payment .
18 As bottles above 300mls are not very practical for patients to use Hahnemann 's practicality introduces the use of a drinking glass to further dilute the solution and obviate the need for a large amount of water .
19 the use of a window size of four words ;
20 The use of a petrol block on a diesel engine is not a problem as the parts are exactly the same The problem is with the crankshaft The diesel unit is of forged steel and carries a ‘ D ’ stamped on the web of the crank The petrol version , whilst sharing exactly the same dimensions is marked P and it is made from cast iron and will not run for long in a diesel unit — as you have discovered Some military petrol engines however are fitted with the forged steel crank and these will fit and run in diesel units
21 As the incidence of intestinal obstruction has persisted despite a lower frequency of covering loop ileostomy it is difficult to blame the use of a loop ileostomy for the increased frequency of this complication .
22 Note the different shapes , and use of a half profile for assured symmetry .
23 The task " work out how many shaded squares will go round a line of 50 unshaded squares ' , implicitly suggested the use of a generalization strategy for its completion .
24 Oxfordshire County council 's already making use of a government grant of a hundred and fifty thousand pounds to combat truancy .
25 An alternative to blood testing by the laboratory is the use of a test strip in conjunction with a reflectance meter .
26 Dolbec and Le Flem 's ( 1980 : 310ff ) argument from the use of a predicate adjunct with the French infinitive can also be applied to English .
27 As with numerous other offences dealing with road traffic the use of a motor vehicle without insurance is an absolute offence , i.e. no guilty knowledge is required .
28 You may get away with light use of a seam roller on a flat-backed vinyl , but do n't overdo it !
29 We have also secured the use of a meeting room in the new Training Centre at John Wood House with all the facilities necessary to present inductions in a comfortable and professional manner .
30 With effect from 1 January 1990 the charge will be £3.00 per hour for the use of a meeting room outwith normal office hours , ie evenings and weekends .
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