Example sentences of "got [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Leaving Sagaing for our return journey by boat to Prome we got on to a sandbank and had to wait there until two tugs pulled us off .
2 ‘ I got on to the hospital and then the local police lab and said I was from her insurance company and we operated a no pay clause if drink-driving was involved . ’
3 Conversation , not only on that day , got on to An Adventure and would not easily get off it , though we wished to be speaking of other things .
4 Morley 's subjects were delightful , talented young people , clearly , who got on with the job and threatened no one .
5 She got down on the floor and ran her arm under the bookcase .
6 I was milking my goats in the field , and he got down on the ground and put his head near my foot .
7 The driver got down from the cab and walked slowly down the platform and disappeared through a solid wooden door .
8 He got down from the wall and walked on .
9 In Bawiti , the main village of the oasis , Salah got down from the bus and waved us after him .
10 ‘ Christ , Piper , that 's all we need , the bloody Navy ! ’ burst out Taff as two sailors got down from the jeep and started to unload their gear .
11 He got down from the jeep and walked into the villa , his shirt crumpled , and his footsteps weary .
12 The young officer got down from the train and went into the station building .
13 Second row Paul Warwick got in on the act and full-back David Rowledge stretched the lead to 27–11 with a penalty to add to his earlier conversions .
14 Later European governments got in on the act and set about invading and colonizing large chunks of the globe .
15 Visitors Centre assistant information officer got in on the act when she bravely volunteered for a Harris Hawk to land on her arm .
16 So they got in on the scene and I seen young men that was walking the streets that had nowt to do put a football kit on with G M B written across the front turn out and become super human beings , you never seen nowt like it , they were so pleased to associate with like something like that .
17 And erm got through to the treasury and goodness knows else and they said erm she got ta open a separate bank account of her own .
18 Ringa Hustle got off to a flyer and never landed …
19 He then got up off the floor and threatened to hit the labour master with his boots in his hand .
20 She got up off the floor and went into the kitchen .
21 She got up off the bed and went to the door , her heart thumping wildly .
22 Well when you collected the dues er it meant taking it up to the office every Monday and when you got up to the office and got talking to the officials and such like the interest became greater and er it developed from there that er the workers of thought they should have er should have a representative on the committee .
23 Jones went like that to her and she 's , Cat 's following her you know and then Jones got up on the wall and Cat was looking at her and Cat was going like that and Jones was going chee chee like that and then , you know the fence there ?
24 Two weeks ago in church the snivelling little bastard got up in the pulpit and told us not to be frightened of death .
25 That I got up in the night and walked into an open press . ’
26 I got up in the night and took fish out of your barrels , Harry Pascoe , 'cos I could n't abide the thought of being wed to you , do you hear me ?
27 And the wind got up in the night and pretty strong and we had a hut a twenty by twenty five foot fourteen eighteen war hut in the middle of a square and there was a shop and a storeroom besides .
28 The next morning we got up in the dark as before , but the water was frozen , so we could not wash .
29 Visitors were instructed to ask what time working class wives got up in the morning and to elicit a history of the way in which they organised their day 's work .
30 And they all , they got up in the morning and I was n't home still
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