Example sentences of "far as [art] [adj] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 Suppose it is clear that convention does not dictate an answer either way in McLoughlin : convention requires that precedents be followed , but only so far as a new case is like the precedents in relevant facts , and no past case has decided whether damages must be awarded for emotional injury away from the accident 's scene .
2 But as far as a solid line is concerned do n't do it , because i it immediately if you if you o do transgress it 'll mean penalty points if you 're seen doing it , regardless of the consequences of it .
3 Er it means generally that I 'm coming home quite late , so as far as a daily paper 's concerned , I 'm really not very much interested .
4 So far as the economic cost is concerned , unemployment represents a waste of resources and means that the economy is producing a lower rate of output .
5 So far as the latter issue was concerned , to succeed the applicant had to show that the decision was ‘ so outrageous in its defiance of logic or of accepted moral standards that no sensible person who had applied his mind to the question to be decided could have arrived at it ’ .
6 Adjustment can now come about automatically via the exchange rate , although the success of this mechanism depends upon the elasticity of demand for imports and exports as far as the current account is concerned , and on the stability of capital flows for an overall balance of payments .
7 Admittedly , he says , some behaviour is regarded as externally caused in as far as the real explanation is not the intentional one .
8 He was relying on the earlier case of Nichol v Martyn [ 1799 ] 2 Esp 732 , but in Wessex Dairies Ltd v Smith [ 1935 ] 2 KB 80 Maugham LJ cast doubt on both those judgments and so far as the modern law is concerned they should not be relied on to the extent that they indicate the employee can canvass or issue circulars to customers of his employer before he leaves .
9 If , however , the husband and wife already hold as tenants in common , and there is to be an adjustment in the extent of their respective interests , then , so far as the legal title is concerned , no alteration needs to be made .
10 Prior to nationalization in 1947 , the Dukeries was a vacuum as far as the Labour party was concerned .
11 Well they , they had gone into the production of er steel er turning er in such a way that er they looked for the best possible tools er in order , one , that they could produce the item more cheaply as far as the employing class is concerned , they want to produce it as cheap as they can and probably sell it the dearest .
12 The most likely outcome is to sell players until the club are doomed as far as the Premier League are concerned — but , for the long-term , he will put in more money to keep the name alive .
13 There is no inconsistency between this result and rational expectations : as far as the private sector is concerned there has been a negative unpredictable random movement in private-sector aggregate demand offset by a positive , unpredictable random movement in the money supply or government spending .
14 In any political conflict the king always tended , so far as the ordinary man was concerned , to be given the benefit of the doubt .
15 So far as the actual preparation is concerned , Rawlinson believes there is a need for greater flexibility .
16 So far as the acquiring company is concerned , the shares transferred to it are acquired at their actual value at the time of transfer , so that that forms the base value if and when they come to be disposed of .
17 Acquisition of the share of one partner by another is an exception to the duty of good faith in so far as the acquiring partner is not obliged to inform his co-partners of his purchase .
18 As far as the other aspect is concerned , that there is no something that would have to be dealt with on its merits taking account of the arguments for and against .
19 The opening move strategy has all sorts of implications about the size or nature of your starting position as far as the other party is concerned .
20 But this is not the end of the matter as far as the discontented participant is concerned .
21 So far as the deaccessioning issue is concerned , Mummies reveals that , for all his fervent declaration about searching for works of surpassing quality , his attitude towards art and the museum 's permanent collection is dismissive and ignorant .
22 I accept completely what the honourable member for erm Truro Truro actually said in his speech just er that he just made , absolutely right that the cultural and the geographical identity of people matters so far as the European parliament is concerned and in respect of our responsibility , the responsibility of this house to citizens of Gibraltar .
23 As far as the central grant is concerned , it has developed a technique that enables it to cut the money given to some authorities which it considers to be over-spenders by an amount equal to or more than any expenditure increase .
24 As far as the alleged infringer is concerned , this can be a useful ploy as the proceedings will be drawn out and the proprietor of the patent will be put to extra expense in defending his patent .
25 As far as the spoken word is concerned two parallel traditions are being established in the country .
26 As far as the Palestinian population was concerned , gas masks had not been distributed , as they were to all Israeli citizens , to Jewish settlers in the occupied territories and to all arriving immigrants ; moreover , there were reportedly no air raid sirens in the occupied territories except in the Jewish settlements there .
27 Even Professor Mokyr , who considers that the determination of " when , where and how fast " so far as the industrial revolution is concerned should be sought first and foremost in supply factors , accepts that the sustaining of demand was important in maintaining the momentum of economic growth .
28 Another big advantage of Creation 6 as far as the Duomatic user is concerned , is that the programme allows you to see your design in full colour and over the whole 180 needles , or however wide the knitting is to be , before committing punch to card .
29 ‘ Then you 'd be quite wrong ! ’ he said forcefully , ignoring her rising tide of protest as he continued , ‘ I want it clearly understood — once and for all — that , as far as the outside world is concerned , you and I are still happily married .
30 No one in the sixteenth century made the mistake which was to become such a feature of later writings about her , of seeing her crimes or her innocence as a little domestic matter , locking her into a Scottish bedroom debate in which , as far as the outside world was concerned , only Elizabeth had an interest beyond the fleeting and casual .
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