Example sentences of "far [adv] as she could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She saw that she must do exactly that — run away from him as he had suggested , but as far away as she could go !
2 She always called him ‘ Father ’ as far back as she could remember .
3 Her family did not much understand gardening either , and took little pleasure in the fruit of their unskilled , social labours ; as far back as she could remember , Clara could recollect her mother 's perpetual nagging at her father to cut the lawn , her father 's occasional outburst of resentment against the boys who trampled on the borders .
4 All her life , from as far back as she could remember , she had been in demand .
5 Motor racing had featured on the periphery of her life as far back as she could remember .
6 If was a far cry from the big house that they 'd lived in as far back as she could remember .
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