Example sentences of "lot of [noun] [conj] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well this is part of a one million er £ er campaign to try and raise money for a lot of projects that we run in eight countries in southern Africa , from Angola to Mozambique , where our , the problems are absolutely horrendous er civil war in Mozambique for example , in Malawi , one in ten of the population are refugees , principally from Mozambiquan civil war , arriving at refugee camps in Bark and absolutely nothing er at all in terms of possessions .
2 It 's a lot of money and we 've got children over here who need it spending on them
3 ‘ We have not got a lot of money and we have got to just get on with the job of trying to sort things out on the field .
4 Erm our view was that there are erm problems associated with er an inner relief road and one of one of those problems was the amount of traffic that would pass through End at Knaresborough , there was a lot of concern as we spelt out to members in our er committee report that erm traffic erm along Forest Lane Head towards Knaresborough along the A existing A fifty nine corridor , would actually increase over the do nothing situation .
5 The England captain said : ‘ We 've done it despite a lot of injuries and we 've been without Mark Waugh for the last six matches because he 's with the Australian team in Sri Lanka .
6 And I think you 'll agree , it is a difficult I mean I always stress this point about attitude , that a lot of problems that we get in our advice centres have been made worse because the customer has caused er you know argument or a scene
7 lot of things that we need to do cos
8 We have a lot of privacies , and a lot of things until we change them , and you know why we changed it , because you went out and saw your clients and told them products and they reported you , and you came back and said but what about this , what about this ?
9 And you can always tell reflectors in training , cos sometimes you 'll think what 's happening , nobody else wants participation , reflectors will actually stand back and think well what did they ask for , what do I talk about then and it 's always like a delayed response you get a lot of reflectors and we had one course once and we had all high reflector scores and that actually told us a lot about participation cos people were n't disguising any they were thinking about it coming in had time to consider an opinion so that 's a reflector .
10 I almost dare suggest myself again and take a stiff brandy and ask a lot of questions that we want to know the answers to .
11 It takes a while for them to actually settle in , and they need quite a lot of support because we do work in teams and they 're quite well established teams with definite personalities .
12 Certainly there is a lot of evidence that we have senses other than the ‘ official ’ six .
13 There have been a lot of sacrifices but we have our own identity again . ’
14 Er but there have been a lot of issues and we 've done well in that field but of course it does n't produce the same kind of fee income as the M and A activity .
15 They are in a lot of trouble and we have got to benefit from it .
16 Well it 's up to the managers but I agree with Stansted four times a day , I think we 're losing a lot of traffic because we have nothing between seven in the morning and three o'clock in the afternoon
17 There were a lot of crows when we went for a walk before flying round .
18 There was a lot of teasing and we had soon thought up nicknames for each other .
19 We could be closed out of a lot of markets if we do n't employ environmentally sound principles . ’
20 I 'm afraid Fran and I do n't get enough time with each other because we 're always so busy working , and that can lead to a lot of tension when we do meet .
21 There are various ways of improving the lot of hens but we do need to ask the hens themselves rather than make up their minds for them .
22 But even saying that , if they doubled it to two hundred pounds , it 's a lot of years before we reach four thousand pounds .
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