Example sentences of "'d be a [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Wiltshire Coroner John Elgar recorded a verdict of death by natural causes , saying there was no reason to suggest there 'd been a lack of care or self-neglect .
2 There 'd been a smell of roses , and of coffee .
3 At least , she thought she was — until the day before her flight , when a DSD representative phoned and told her there 'd been a change of plan .
4 If there 'd been a trail of destruction down the road , then fair enough , but
5 Liese 's father owned a chain of garages : he 'd been a prisoner of war , had married an English girl .
6 There 'd been a decade of de-skilling said Mr Kinnock , but Labour would set in motion a national training strategy .
7 We also gave other reasons at the time , erm principally the road , because the access fronting onto the A forty four there by the proposed site , there 'd been a number of accidents and during the consultation period there were actually two people killed bang opposite the proposed entrance to that site at Swingswang .
8 It was the sixth time in a year he 'd been a victim of crime , but this time the culprits , two youths , had been arrested .
9 She said he was from Moila , and ever since he was a boy he 'd been a sort of con artist , and could get away with anything- ’
10 She 'd been a sort of feminist before it became fashionable ; never had much time for all that sisterly stuff , but she was positive she was as good as any man and she 'd prove it …
11 Crazy , impulsive , illogical it might have been , but somewhere deep inside there 'd been a feeling of inevitability about it …
12 There 'd been a lot of changes under the malais , I 'll give them that , even if most of the development was for reasons of military necessity and accomplished , like the Japanese for whom they had more than a sneaking admiration , with forced-draft labour .
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