Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And then how would I have felt , she asked herself as she hurled the jeep down the motorway , finding that I 'd fallen again for a man as cold and hard as that — finding out when it was too late what he was really like ?
2 By late afternoon we 'd stopped in at a number of bars along the pier .
3 Hounded to her death by a cruel mother-in-law , neglected by her husband … the same husband who 'd carried on with a woman when she was hardly cold in her grave .
4 I 'd also taken stock of just how deep the ravine was a yard or so to my right — on a previous visit to this rocky Brecon summit I 'd looked down on a pair of RAF Tornadoes streaking through on a high-adrenalin exercise .
5 She 'd booked in to a hotel on the Place Gambetta , had a leisurely bath to iron out the kinks of the journey , then followed the receptionist 's directions to the old part of the town , a maze of narrow streets where old timbered buildings leaned amiably towards each other .
6 She woke a short while later under the impression that she 'd dropped off at a cocktail party .
7 Then he remembered a woman he 'd met once on a train , she was singing hymns to the window , he 'd been embarrassed at first , half her fringe was missing as if someone had taken a bite out of it , only he knew she 'd done it because she caught him staring and laughed and said , ‘ I always cut it when I 'm loaded , ’ and he remembered something about a house , and because there was nothing left to cling to , because it was the only piece of wreckage left afloat , he remembered how to get there too , it was either remember or die .
8 Siobhan Redmond I 'd seen once in a revue by Marcella for St Andrews University and I tracked her down in Glasgow and asked her would she like to do a show for buttons for the newly opened Tron Theatre , who were interested .
9 Kate was n't particularly fanciful , but Dara reminded her of a black panther she 'd seen once in a zoo .
10 " No , " he 'd said flatly in a manner which meant he would not change his mind .
11 He 'd disliked anyone complimenting me and when I 'd done well in a race he 'd found it difficult to offer congratulations .
12 I 'd got through to a girl I said extension two three six and then oh and the feller said er
13 when we got home we sat eating we 'd got home from a show then and we were sat eating supper , and it were about half past three in the morning and we sat talking , I said to Rudy I 'm sure I can smell burning !
14 ‘ After The White Lion won they gave me £6,000 and told me to get them another , so I sold them three shares in Rambo 's Hall — who I 'd bought cheaply in a job lot as a yearling — for £1,500 each .
15 They 'd taken the motorised dinghy across to explore the fairy-tale clarity of the water in the natural sea caves of the Blue Grotto , then on Roman 's orders had spurned the small cove he 'd mentioned as too crowded , and returned to take the yacht further out to sea , choosing a peaceful place to drop anchor and eat the picnic he 'd stowed away as a surprise
16 They 'd laid in for a siege with dozens of eggs , cans of luncheon meat , and tea .
17 The evening was cloudless and warm and after pitching the tent and cooking something called " Hunter 's Goulash " ( a freeze-dried meal that I 'd brought home from a trip along the Appalachian Trail — it tasted like fried sofa stuffing doused with monosodium glutamate ) , I walked up the narrow lane above the youth hostel to watch the sun going down behind Pikedaw Hill tingeing the sky a dusky orange — a wonderful sight .
18 He 'd woken up at a quarter past four that morning to find Lavinia awake beside him , as often she was now in the middle of the night .
19 She occupied a tiny apartment hidden away beneath Betty 's house , and she had a habit of materializing unexpectedly as if she 'd sprung up through a trapdoor .
20 Reality had become nightmare for them and they 'd opted out into a world where meals came , drugs were given , and all the doors were locked except for the bathroom .
21 ‘ Nicola told me she 'd found out about a couple of drug smuggling operations in this country run by the Mafia . ’
22 I 'll never even dare to be successful , because when I 'm dead some clod with a thesis to write will put me down as a wild-eyed harridan who jumped on her lover in the street and pulled all his hair out because he 'd gone off with a person with webbed feet .
23 It would n't be so bad if he 'd gone off with a beauty , but I 'm damned if I 'll form part of a collection which includes someone bandy . ’
24 I mean , if he 'd gone off with a humped-back , three legged dwarf I would have felt pretty unattractive .
25 Then they 'd gone in for a look .
26 She wondered if the others were playing a joke on her : perhaps they 'd gone out for a walk ; perhaps , at this very moment , they were laughing at the thought of her waiting for a killer who would never come .
27 I had this octopus once in Germany and it , we 'd gone out for a meal and I was gon na have steak and mushrooms and
28 Especially as apparently you 'd gone out in a hurry and not taken a handbag .
29 It was so hot outside that she had settled for an orange cheesecloth caftan , which she 'd jacked in with a belt of linked gold hippos .
30 ‘ I took a plumbers apprenticeship when I left school , ’ he said , ‘ But after I 'd worked here for a while , I decided to stay on full time . ’
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