Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] [pron] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd heard him for a bit by then .
2 Prison does that to some men , though , he 'd heard it on a documentary .
3 I 'd got my toast and strawberry jam , I 'd treated myself to a doughnut as well , and I 'd got my bag and my money and my dreams back .
4 She 'd given them as a wedding present , she said , and never seen them used .
5 He 'd picked up some cream that they 'd given me for a skin rash , stuck it under my blindfold and said , in a curious high-pitched waver , ‘ Champignons ? ’
6 ‘ Liz lost a winning I 'd given her on a horse .
7 Another of his treasures , the seventh volume of Gaud Maybellome 's Encyclopaedia of Heavenly Signs , originally written in the language of Third Dominion academics but widely translated for the delectation of the proletariat , he 'd bought from a woman in the city of Jassick , who 'd approached him in a gaming room where he was attempting to explain cricket to a group of the locals , and said she recognized him from stories her husband ( who was in the Autarch 's army in Yzordderrex ) had told .
8 It was a long time since he 'd organised anything like a fête .
9 They probably thought you 'd added me as a convoy . ’
10 She looked the same as usual ; untidy , a hole in her coat where she 'd caught it on a hook in the yard .
11 He went up , and it 's first time he 'd seen her for a while and she said something about , oh he was supposed to have something but he got to hear this well it 's got nothing to do with all the others .
12 A SUPERMARKET assistant recognised a man who tried to pay for goods with a stolen credit card — because she 'd seen him as a strippergram .
13 Oh fine , yet Jo was just saying on the phone there that she 'd seen him in a catalogue .
14 He 'd seen it in a junk-shop in Edinburgh and brought it all the way down .
15 The first time he 'd done it with a boy , he 'd been ashamed .
16 suddenly it all ended when a SAC , who was n't even a suspect , admitted that he 'd done it during a fit of depression ; with a pair of pliers , not a knife !
17 Once a femur or a forearm would have played a pure note if you 'd used one for a pipe , but the pieces would whistle harsh and offkey now from the holes bored into them by the efficient mandibles of her companions in the vertical grave , the cenote where they placed her after the battle , during the truce .
18 He 'd used it about a lot of his friends behind their backs , particularly if they were homosexuals or had other sexual tastes he considered unusual .
19 It was thoughtless of Miguel to take the vehicle — but maybe he 'd needed it in a hurry .
20 Anyhow , ’ he continued , ‘ the three of us spent the day locked in consultation , as Marc called it , the result being that he came charging to my rescue , routed the two con-merchants , who thought they 'd got me over a barrel , and generally behaved like the perfect human being he is . ’
21 And now she 'd got it with a vengeance .
22 You know , cos I 'd got it at a P P C as well , for national conference .
23 An inquest has revealed she was killed by a faulty , twenty year old machine just a day after she 'd bought it from a relative .
24 He 'd invited me to a supper dance after the show on Christmas Eve . ’
25 Instinctively , I dipped my fingers in the holy water and crossed myself , remembering the Catholic aunt in South Armagh who 'd raised me for a while as a child and had anguished over my black little Protestant soul .
26 ‘ but he was wearing a collar and I 'd tied him to a lamppost . ’
27 And he was cleared of murdering Bob who 'd challenged him with a hammer when he found him slashing car tyres .
28 There could n't be anything wrong with my chest unless I 'd swallowed something as a child , an old thrupenny bit .
29 Ever since we 'd been at university together , I 'd known him as a bit of a shower freak , staying in there for ages .
30 The tomatoes were black as though they 'd forgot they were frying them , they looked like they 'd stuck them on a grill and just left them there
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