Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] [prep] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 That 's why , I said I , I said I 'd heard about you in the papers and the just said oh yeah !
2 I asked my friends who have had au pairs what they 'd expected of them in the kitchen .
3 The dancers , from what Lucy had seen , were all pretty good in their way ; she 'd even begun to develop a liking for Maurice , who 'd winked at her in the corridor earlier .
4 I knew she was registered at Essex , I knew she was basically dishonest , a boozer , a feminist and — from the brief glimpse I 'd caught of her in the Mimosa Club — no featherweight .
5 The actress had been venomous when she 'd chanced upon them in the corridor , but she 'd displayed the spitefulness of a disappointed woman , not a wronged one .
6 She 'd seen through her in a twinkling , she had !
7 She wanted to make Dan sound as good as possible and after some of the stunts he 'd played on her in the past that was difficult .
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