Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] her [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What 's more , who 'd have believed he 'd picked her up in a wine bar ?
2 He was a young Irish American who 'd picked her up in a New York bar a week ago .
3 And after that we shipped — me and another feller , an Irish feller , a Belfast man — we shipped in an owd schooner called the Mount Blairie : it was an old thing that had been ashore at — in a little shipyard ; and they 'd done her up during the winter to give them men a job .
4 Then , deciding she was no political , just another stroppy trucker , they 'd handed her over to the locals , which was a big relief .
5 I understand it was your own stupidity in refusing to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd got her out of the house .
6 That was all , the slightest touch of his fingers on hers , but she was reminded of that other time he had touched her , when he 'd helped her out of the pool , and now , as then , something inside her responded to his touch .
7 Marian I know was Marian Anderson , the black singer , she sang on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday morning in 1939 , it was freezing , they 'd locked her out of the concert hall she had booked .
8 Actually , I 've heard a little about your relationship from my aunt — like the fact that you refused to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd kicked her out of the house . ’
9 But he could remember the sound of her voice on the phone that morning , when he 'd called her up from the School , too well .
10 You did n't fall in love with someone in the space of a few days , just because you 'd finally succumbed to the lures of sex , or lust , or whatever had overwhelmed her ever since he 'd fished her out of the sea that first night …
11 I 'd taken her back with a woolly suit , mitts , hat , booties , everything , in the middle of July .
12 He had n't meant to say it , but it was the effect of the beer and the movement of the ship and her sophistication , all things he could n't cope with together , so he 'd taken her down to the bar and they 'd had a couple more drinks to restore his confidence before the boat docked .
13 He 'd covered her over with a coat and taken her few possessions inside , and she 'd slept on ; she 'd been the same way for the last couple of hours of the journey , ever since they 'd made their final stop at a twenty-four hour garage so that he could fill the Zodiac 's tank and buy some tape for a running repair to the headlamp that he 'd broken when , lights doused to escape notice , he 'd clipped the corner of the garage block on their way out of the parking area .
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