Example sentences of "since he have [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Charlie ignored me , as he was ignoring most of his friends since he 'd appeared on the front page of the Bromley and Kentish Times with his band , Must n't Grumble , after an open-air gig in a local sports ground .
2 Boy thought that this had been in some ways the perfect night , the best that he had ever had since he 'd arrived at The Bar .
3 As he waited he realized that he had not felt such keen anticipation and happiness since he had served in the front line at Magdeburg .
4 The warning alert must have been sounding since he had broken into the room .
5 Craig stared into the fire , it had been over a week since he had escaped from the prison , lying in the back of the van , smelling the fresh mouthwatering tang of bread and listening to the clip clop of the horses ’ hooves .
6 It was less than seventy-two hours since he had heard of the finding of Riddle 's clothes , but it seemed much longer .
7 The enemy horsemen were silhouetted on the southern skyline and Sharpe suspected they must have been trailing him ever since he had emerged from the trees .
8 Filmmakers were rarely imported from outside ( Thorold Dickinson , who was allowed in to make Secret People in 1952 , could be regarded as an ‘ old boy ’ since he had worked at the studio during Basil Dean 's time ) and , with five directors responsible for two-thirds of the films made at the studio between 1942 and 1955 , there was little competition inside the studio , and no exposure to fresh ideas from outside .
9 He would go and see him as soon as they got back to school and tell him everything that had happened since he had come to the school .
10 They were the first words Curval had spoken since he had come into the room .
11 He noticed too that for the first time since he had arrived at the Cages there was a total silence , as if all the eagles , and all the imprisoned creatures thereabout had instinctively understood that this old eagle 's troubled painful words marked an end to a terrible life ; and perhaps in some strange way the beginning of something none dared hope might come to pass .
12 Each was in an envelope ; the envelopes all bore Boy 's name , and the addresses of the twelve different places in which Boy had briefly lived since he had arrived in the city , before he had managed to get this place where he was resident now .
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