Example sentences of "though [pron] [modal v] be note [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Such groups can properly be described in terms of free association within a generally accepted cultural diversity , though it must be noted that even here , in many cases , the diversity is established by these initiatives , rather than prepared for them , and that in the cases of particular branches of an art the initiatives often involve significant local conflict .
2 For such people any contact with the Court would have been the ultimate in defilement — though it should be noted that some of the husbands showed less scruple in accepting governmental places , even to the extent of standing for elections and taking the oath of loyalty to the Emperor and the Constitution .
3 Turnover fell by over 60 per cent in the body plant in the same period , though it should be noted that unemployment was rising in Sweden and therefore turnover rates in SAAB as a whole were falling , though less fast than in the body shop .
4 These two creatures — Blessed and the yak — are indistinguishable in build and hairiness , though it should be noted that the latter moves on all fours and has horns .
5 The Spaak Report was unveiled for public debate in March 1956 in a special session of the ECSC Common Assembly , where only one vote was registered against its proposals ( though it should be noted that the extremes of the political spectrum were not represented in Strasbourg ) .
6 The lavishness of specification is appropriate to a country which still , in spite of economic recession , is by most standards a very wealthy one , though it should be noted that the document is far from describing typical or current practice : this is what the two associations concerned regard as logical developments to be pursued during the next decade in line with the best available practice .
7 Galbraith 's views have been widely criticised , most frequently on grounds of exaggeration , though it should be noted that he does not suggest that the revised sequence has replaced the accepted sequence , but that there is a complex inter-action between the two .
8 These positions are often classified as ( a ) idealist and ( b ) materialist , though it should be noted that in ( b ) materialist explanation is commonly reserved to the other , ‘ primary ’ , activities , leaving ‘ culture ’ to a version of the ‘ informing spirit ’ , of course now differently based and not primary but secondary .
9 After some initial hesitation it now seems to be generally accepted that the value should be assessed at the date of the conversion ( though it should be noted that in other contexts the courts show some resistance to any universal rule that damages are to be assessed at the date of the wrong ) .
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