Example sentences of "seen [prep] a set of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , government may be seen as a set of institutions , whether this be all public sector institutions , or a limited set of them , such as Cabinet , Parliament or Congress and the Civil Service .
2 Ideology can be seen as a set of beliefs and values which express the interests of a particular social group .
3 Positivism in turn can be seen as a set of ideas tending to reinforce the ideological domination ( or ‘ hegemony ’ ) of the bourgeois class at a yet later stage when it had become the ruling class in Europe : if criminal actions can be described as the result of mindless pathology rather than rational choice this both absolves capitalism of any blame for crime and helps to delegi-timize protest against the existing order ( Taylor et al. , 1973 : ch. 2 ) .
4 The results of the interviews allied with a socio-historical examination of the background to the conflict will allow for the examination of ideologies in Northern Ireland , where an ideology is seen as a set of ideas held by a group of people that helps to structure their social world and guide their activity within that social world .
5 That is if jobs are designed that offer job satisfaction , rather than alienation ; challenges rather than boredom ; skill enhancement rather than deskilling , so that the technology is seen as a set of tools for people to use in their work rather than the basis of a production system in which people are merely ‘ operators ’ .
6 All those administrations had subscribed to the " domino theory " : the non-Communist countries were seen as a set of dominoes , and if one was knocked over ( i.e. went Communist ) then the others would also tumble .
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