Example sentences of "quite apart from [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from the work which went into recording on the main islands of the Outer Hebrides , a great deal of effort also went into visiting the less accessible islands and outliers .
2 Quite apart from the ones I killed ( and they were all about the same age I was when I murdered them ) I can think of at least three of our family who went to whatever they imagined their Maker was like in unusual ways .
3 Quite apart from the contribution you made to the weekend programme , it was good to have you with us for your own sake .
4 Quite apart from the contribution you made , it was specially nice to have you for your own sake .
5 Quite apart from the money he eventually made , he had a new argument to use in the continual discussions among traders about the justice and Koranic authority of the government 's policy toward commerce .
6 Quite apart from the vernacular which ranges from ‘ circle ’ for a loop or ‘ infinity ’ for a figure of eight , to ‘ the rug ’ for expanding loops around a constant centre — or two of these for a ‘ Gautier brassiere ’ there are varied modes of command from the team leaders .
7 There are other omissions , too , which Purcell did not make good , quite apart from the dances which Shedlock noted were missing — the overture , for one .
8 Quite apart from the blunder there was one moment near the end of the game when he was walking around on the stage of Sadler 's Wells , unaware for a few minutes that it was his move .
9 Quite apart from the doubts it casts on the multitude of extensive verbatim passages in Johanson 's engaging account , this and other changes make one wonder whether legal evidence has become a consideration in reporting scientific expeditions .
10 Even the state believes in it , quite apart from the academics themselves .
11 There is no common form of lease , but usually , quite apart from the flat itself , the lessee is responsible for a proportion of the cost of repair of the common parts , which include such costly items as roofs , staircases , lifts , boilers , foundations , gardens and external decoration .
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