Example sentences of "preparing the [noun] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many other problems may be presented , for example problems related to preparing the patient for safe discharge to the community .
2 The EC Council of ( Consumer Affairs ) Ministers agreed on Nov. 9 , 1989 , on a directive preparing the way for EC-wide levels of product safety for consumer goods in the unified market , but rejected the Commission 's demand that the rule should be extended to non-consumer products .
3 In May , government and ANC representatives — in their first formal meeting since the ANC 's founding in 1912 — began " talks about talks " aimed at preparing the way for future negotiations on a constitution [ see p. 37440 ] .
4 The wisdom of the Buchanan approach to traffic flow is appreciated , for the division of roads into those for through movement , local distribution and access is seen as an essential first step in preparing the way for other measures .
5 In preparing the timetables for these services we sought to meet the objectives of providing a series of connections between buses from central Livingston and trains to and from Edinburgh .
6 The Geneva talks were described by Pérez de Cuéllar as of " psychological " importance in preparing the ground for future peace talks within the framework of Resolution R98 and the Iraqi News Agency ( INA ) reported on July 6 that Saddam had received a letter of thanks from Rafsanjani for the assistance and sympathy shown by the Iraqi government and people to the Iranian earthquake victims [ see p. 37522 ] .
7 This ‘ new economic consensus ’ , as it is being referred to , is already preparing the ground for planned cuts in the economic development budget and the day the Making Belfast Work initiative comes to an end .
8 With hindsight , one can see how Mr Gorbachev has been preparing the ground for this week 's changes .
9 In anticipation of this , and at a time when the economy was already in grave crisis as a result of the US economic embargo , the collapse of trade with eastern Europe ( currently down by an estimated 90 per cent ) and poor sugar harvests , the Cuban government had been preparing the population for worse times ahead .
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