Example sentences of "layer [prep] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 High altitude measurements made by the Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition team last winter provide evidence that " although there is as yet no ozone hole in the Arctic " the protective layer of gas over the North Pole has been found to be seriously depleted .
2 To prevent this happening , it is useful to spread a layer of sand over the floor of the pool and along the marginal shelves to act as a cushion .
3 Bury cuttings to half their depth , either by pushing them into the soil or by lining them along the side of a slit cut in the soil with a spade ( in heavy soil , sprinkle a layer of sand at the base of the slit ) .
4 The judge 's decision may establish certainty in respect to S&M activities , but it adds another layer of inconsistency to the law 's view of consensual assaults .
5 When the suit is wet , it traps a thin layer of water between the body and the suit and your body quickly warms that up to a comfortable working temperature but if you fall in when the suit is dry , the cold water can be quite a shock and so a good trick in cold weather is to put the wet suit on in a hot shower and then over the top you wear a spray suit again to keep off the wind and to protect the wetsuit .
6 She was allowed to continue with her mending — she did not know that we had spread a thick layer of gum upon the chair and was surprised at the alacrity with which we saw to all her needs so that she should never move .
7 It 's also far more effective than planting in a layer of soil on the bottom of the pond .
8 Glue the fabric to the white card by spreading a thin layer of glue over the surface of the card .
9 We travelled the countryside by day and by night in buses , and were tumbled out of them in the blackout to grope our way ‘ home ’ through streets which , in their uniform monotony , were hardly distinguishable one from another , our torches , with their regulation double layer of tissue-paper over the bulb , showing like grounded fireflies in the intense darkness .
10 This amendment adds yet another layer of bureaucracy to the establishment of SSSI and opens the way for existing sites to be deregistered .
11 Body heat is retained by a layer of blubber under the skin .
12 A thick layer of blubber beneath the skin helps insulate cetaceans against temperatures that would quickly kill a human .
13 The tank was washed out too , and placed on a layer of polystyrene on the stand .
14 The blue top and bottom trims not only set off the looks of the tank , but also obviate the need for a layer of polystyrene under the tank .
15 Old Priam ( fig. 92 ) watching Hector arm is made bald and stubbly ; and in the three great revellers on the back of the same vase ( fig. 93 ) Euphronios 's écorchés are given a more natural layer of fat over the muscle , and the foreshortening of the torsos is really remarkable .
16 One of their most useful features was the thick layer of pure white fat with which they were coated when you took it out of the tin there was this layer of fat round the edge .
17 The sauce was thin with a layer of sediment over the bottom of the pan .
18 If there is a thick layer of sediment on the bottom , start using a product like A.B.A. to help remove this sludge — but you will have to increase the aeration of the water while you use it as it can cause a heavy demand on the dissolved oxygen to remove the sludge .
19 Every evening Kāli spread a new layer of pine-needles in the stable as bedding for the cattle .
20 Guidelines have been discovered beneath British mosaics on only a few occasions : the author knows of only two unequivocal examples — the painted lines on the penultimate layer of mortar of the mosaic from building XIII , Beeches Road , Cirencester ( Neal 1981 , no. 26 ) , and the scored circle of the fragmentary mosaic above the Charioteer pavement at Rudston ( Smith 1976 , 6 ) — although , in wall painting such practices were also known ( plaster on display , Jewry Wall Museum ) .
21 To avoid this I propose to place a layer of mortar on the lining and lay bricks on top which will be covered by slabs .
22 To keep Tubifex worms , the aquarium must have a layer of mud on the bottom and a supply of fresh-water continuously dripping into the aquarium .
23 The 1989 regulations are similar to the 1987 regulations in several respects ; for example , it is the topography of a semiconductor which is protected being , by regulation 2 , a design which is either : ( a ) the pattern fixed , or intended to be fixed , in or upon ( i ) a layer of a semiconductor product , or ( ii ) a layer of material in the course of and for the purpose of the manufacture of a semiconductor product , or ( b ) the arrangement of the patterns fixed , or intended to be fixed , in or upon the layers of a semiconductor product in relation to one another .
24 If you have only a 25mm or 50mm thickness in your loft , it is well worth adding a new 100mm layer of insulation over the top .
25 A proper insulating jacket for the hot water cylinder is the first priority , followed by a 100 mm or 150 mm layer of insulation in the loft .
26 The worms live under a layer of mucus in the stomach wall .
27 The layer of gases near the Earth contains ozone — another greenhouse gas .
28 Cars and light vans contribute to 18 per cent of the carbon emissions which thicken the protective layer of gases around the Earth contributing to global warming ( see Chapter 1 ) .
29 The windows were fairly clean — well , you could see through them — the layer of dust on the woodwork was thinner than usual and the compartment was reasonably warm .
30 It was supposed to be good whisky , but the thin layer of dust in the bottom of all the cups did n't improve the taste any .
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