Example sentences of "participation of women in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The task given to this group is to discover what is happening already to involve women more fully in the life and mission of the Church and to draw up some possible and practical steps by which the participation of women in the life of the Church can be developed .
2 The participation rate depends on many factors including the real wage , the level of unemployment benefit relative to wage rates , and customs and attitudes concerning , for example , the participation of women in the workforce .
3 Changes in structural factors have taken place in the form of peripheral capitalist industrialisation , which has had a considerable impact on the participation of women in the labour market .
4 Hence the participation of women in the labour market was both ‘ allowed ’ by the concerns with economic growth and made more possible by the improved educational opportunities offered to women .
5 In short , the growing participation of women in the labour force has not been matched by an equal growth of male participation in the home .
6 Three factors have been particularly significant in bringing about this decline : reduced family size , the increasing participation of women in the labour market , and rising divorce rates .
7 Not the least among these changes is the greater participation of women in the labour market and their increased career expectations .
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