Example sentences of "assumed [that] [art] [noun] [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It may therefore be assumed that a manager is maintaining an adequate policy if the competitive position is being maintained and projections indicate that it is likely to be maintained in future .
2 It is assumed that a claim is limited to £5,000 , and so falls within the trial jurisdiction of the district judge , unless it is stated in the particulars that the claim is more .
3 I have assumed that the journey is made in a private car , principally following main motor roads but with many deviations and detours to places of special interest .
4 In the type of decision considered so far it has been assumed that the decision is presented in a clear form .
5 In this particular drawing the forecaster has assumed that the future is going to be almost the same as the present ( at least in the characteristics he is depicting ) .
6 Nor does the arts/science distinction make much sense in terms of graduate employment , if it is assumed that the distinction is based on a simple non-vocational/vocational one or ‘ non-relevant/relevant ’ one .
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