Example sentences of "limits [prep] the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Strait is not an easy place for sailing vessels : ‘ … both difficult and dangerous , because of incomplete surveys , the lack of aids to navigation , the great distance between anchorages , the strong current , and the narrow limits for the manoeuvring of vessels ’ , says the pilot manual .
2 The standard condition ( Condition 4 ) deals with time limits for the raising of requisitions and it is now becoming increasingly common practice to mix in requisitions with any additional enquiries under the vague heading of " Observations " .
3 These set limits to the level of contributions with the aim to prevent candidates from becoming obligated to special interest groups .
4 The role of the court would be to establish the limits to the spectrum of meanings that a term could bear ; the awesome visage of the Albert Hall would disappear .
5 ( Without it or without secure supply lines , guerrillas might last a fortnight or so before their own food resources ran out , for there are strict limits to the weight of rations they can expect to carry with them . )
6 However , the limits to the extension of GIS into data analysis are still to be determined .
7 There may , in other words , be general limits to the authority of governments , limits restricting governmental powers over any of their subjects .
8 But whether or not one can establish the existence of general limits to the authority of governments , the normal justification thesis invites a piecemeal approach to the question of the authority of governments , which yields the conclusion that the extent of governmental authority varies from individual to individual , and is more limited than the authority governments claim for themselves in the case of most people .
9 To confine the interaction to what is known is the safest course , and there are limits to the number of times a teacher can reply — as primary teachers are encouraged to — ‘ I do n't know , but let's find out , shall we ? ’ without straining their credibility and frustrating their pupils .
10 There are limits to the sort of events that deserve attention .
11 There were limits to the concentration of troops because of transportation , food supplies , and manoeuvring on the battlefield which must have been intuitively evident to any ancient general .
12 This discussion adds a fourth , the inherent limits to the regulation of tasks .
13 ‘ Should policy-based limits on the freedom of adults to engage in sexual activity be more restrictive than those placed on willing participants in the game of hockey ? ’
14 He objects to the treaties ' limits on the liability of shipowners : only if damage was committed with ‘ intent ’ or with ‘ knowledge that [ it ] would probably result ’ can they be obliged to pay more than $78m .
15 As the law stood at that time local authorities could place limits on the number of pupils in each of its schools , and the Secretary of State said that he had no power to intervene in the Dewsbury case .
16 It is proposed to give the Directors the authority to alter the schemes to take account of or comply with any changes in any proposed or existing legislation affecting the schemes , or to take account of any take-over or reconstruction of the Company or to obtain or maintain favourable taxation treatment of the Company , any subsidiary or any participant , in each case excluding any changes which affect the basic structure of the schemes or the limits on the number of shares which may be subscribed for under the schemes .
17 Establishing some limits on the number of feeds in a day and moving to a schedule of roughly four-hour feeds for a 6-month-old baby is perfectly reasonable instead of demand feeding continuously .
18 A decree law of Oct. 17 which introduced strict limits on the right of workers in essential services to strike , provoked a strong protest from the anti-Menem faction of the main CGT union confederation .
19 This section investigates the limits on the validity of trusts .
20 The Commission announced on July 5 , 1989 , that it was to phase out by January 1993 the limits on the value of goods which citizens of EC member states were allowed to take across internal borders , in readiness for the abolition of border controls .
21 This not only affects how the male public react to policewomen in the province , it also influences how male colleagues treat policewomen in the work environment and the sorts of duties they are assigned in practice ; and the dearth of senior female officers makes it easy for male colleagues to impose such limits on the role of policewomen .
22 New limits on the speed of lorries are coming from both Britains Parliament and the European Community .
23 The Liberal Democrat manifesto promised : ( i ) support for the European Community 's planned energy tax , the revenue from which would be used to fund environmental and other measures ; ( ii ) a 30 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2005 ; ( iii ) the creation of a Department of Natural Resources and an independent Environmental Protection Agency ; ( iv ) grants for recycling schemes , home insulation and similar measures ; ( v ) the introduction of pollution licences for factories , with upper limits on the amount of pollutants they could produce ; and ( vi ) the phasing out of nuclear power stations .
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