Example sentences of "reduction [prep] the number of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any alternative coding technique suggested would have to provide an acceptable trade-off between the reduction of the number of candidates , and selecting the correct word .
2 Whereas the majority of respondents from the six CCAB bodies favoured the principle of rationalisation by means of reduction of the number of bodies , 58 per cent of ICAS respondents did not .
3 There would again be an increase in the ability of a elements to overshadow c elements , but in addition the reduction of the number of c elements activated by A would mean that relatively few of them would be capable of acquiring associative strength in the first place .
4 The expectation is that by increasing patient participation in this way the project will achieve a reduction in patients ' forgetting and misunderstanding of instructions and advice , and a reduction in the number of questions which occur to patients after their consultation .
5 He refused to allow the party access to his fund , and partly for this reason the Liberals were forced to accept a drastic reduction in the number of candidatures , from 513 in 1929 to 112 in 1931 , The condition of the Liberals was far more serious than that of Labour , for the Liberal party was beginning to lose its sense of identity and purpose ( and has still not fully recovered it ) .
6 In the country towns the gradual decline in status undergone by the guilds also saw a reduction in the number of trappings provided for the funeral .
7 In the context of declining overall membership ( a 29% drop in the twenty years to 1990 ) and a reduction in the number of ministers ( down 16% in the twenty years to 1990 ) this was an encouraging sign which the denomination would do well to learn from .
8 Overall there would be a reduction in the number of students choosing science , but those who do so choose will be more likely to stay happily in the subject and to possess more flexible minds .
9 There was a fear that as such centres were validated , local colleges would see a reduction in the number of students which they would otherwise have expected to attract .
10 In addition to companies generally experiencing the recession within the industry , another aspect of this has been an actual reduction in the number of textile companies in the Grampian area , compared to last year .
11 This pattern included a reduction in the number of manufacturing establishments employing ten or more people ; it is here that we can begin to visualize the effects of de-industrialization on the ground .
12 In addition to classic injunctions such as ‘ I look for a marked reduction in the number of problems put forward for discussion in Ministerial Committees ’ , in the terse Major Attlee style , the paper contains a passage which is pure Brook : ‘ The Cabinet Committee system has a valuable part to play in the central machinery of government , both in relieving the pressure on the Cabinet itself and in helping to give practical effect to the principle of collective responsibility at times when the Cabinet does not include all Ministers in charge of Departments . ’
13 Sir John Woodcock , who retires as Chief Inspector of Constabulary at the end of the month , also spoke out in support of short term contracts , a reduction in the number of ranks and changes in the pay structure .
14 At a macro level the decisions could involve the option of a reduction in the number of teachers and the closing of some schools , which keeps the cost per child constant and reduces total expenditure ; or the improvement of educational standards through reducing the number of pupils per teacher and therefore increasing unit costs .
15 It refers to the reduction in the number of teachers , to cuts in the provision for children with special educational needs , to larger classes , to cuts in the expenditure on books and equipment and to the national curriculum .
16 Dr Charles Goodson-Wickes , MP for Wimbledon , who served as a medical officer in the Life Guards and was recalled in the Gulf war , protested at a reduction in the number of Foot Guard battalions .
17 Despite the reduction in the number of centre ministers , Mrs Cresson knows she will still often need the abstentions , if not the votes , of the 39 centre deputies .
18 Although there is a reduction in the number of accounts of 44% , after due consideration has been given to the anticipated workload arising from discounts/exemptions/second adult rebates etc the actual proposed staffing reduction is 15% .
19 The first difference we may note is the reduction in the number of performance errors he makes .
20 They featured ( i ) the reinstatement of the Ministry of Justice ( abolished in 1966 ) , the minister having the right to overturn court rulings ; ( ii ) the guaranteeing to defendants of the assistance on demand of a defence lawyer , including at the investigation stage ; ( iii ) a reduction in the number of capital offences from 34 to 11 ( retaining as capital offences treason , espionage , terrorism , murder and " economic crime " such as sabotage and theft of state property ) , and the exclusion of women from capital punishment ; ( iv ) clearer definition of the crime of agitation and propaganda against the state ( which was no longer to be a capital offence ) , in order to prevent its abuse by the authorities ; ( v ) the redefinition of internment and deportation as penal rather than administrative sanctions ( i.e. requiring a court ruling rather than merely a local authority order ) ; and ( vi ) the introduction of remission for prisoners for good behaviour .
21 A reduction in the number of single handed pharmacies is likely , as is the development of specialist pharmaceutical services ( such as parenteral nutrition ) previously available only in hospitals .
22 In Britain , Tesco , the grocery supermarket chain , estimated a 20% increase in speed enabling a 10% reduction in the number of checkouts ( Davison 1993 ) .
23 The results in Table 7.2 clearly show a reduction in the number of word-paths for all sets ; however there were also many utterances for which the correct word-path was not included as one of the alternative word-paths ( Table 7.3 ) .
24 Second , there should be a reduction in the number of committees appointed by a local authority .
25 The drastic reduction in the number of committees was felt to be impracticable .
26 He will be pleased to know that the latest report of the railway inspectorate on railway safety showed a modest reduction in the number of collisions between passenger trains in 1990 compared with the previous year .
27 On Feb. 24 Monsengwo Pasinya , president of the national conference , indicated that Nguza had abandoned the round table idea but was still expected to demand a reduction in the number of delegates to the conference .
28 Pre-vocational education initiatives are beginning to provide one progression route , but may not survive the rapid reduction in the number of school leavers .
29 The year after this , street lighting was introduced using oil lamps on pillars ; there was a drastic reduction in the number of muggings at night , a plague of city life in the late eighteenth-century .
30 During the period of improvement the parents will notice a reduction in the number of times the child wets at night and also in the size of the wet patch .
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