Example sentences of "subject to some [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Moneylenders were registered ; subject to some conditions over the way they did business ; they were able to advertise in only a very restricted way ( for example , they were not allowed to mention interest rates or repayment schedules ) ; and courts could re-open their loans , setting new terms , if they charged excessive interest and the original terms were ‘ harsh and unconscionable ’ .
2 The administrative structures set up by the Colebrooke-Cameron Reforms , though subject to some change in the nineteenth century , remained largely intact until the early twentieth century .
3 There has also been a proposal to increase the term of copyright to the life of the author plus 70 years , although this had been subject to some controversy within the EC .
4 In the face of royal financial demands he had to bear in mind the interests of the clergy as well as his duty to the king , and he was subject to some pressure from the Pope to urge the king to pay heed to papal diplomatic overtures aimed at bringing an end to the war .
5 In the example just given , if the Maoris remained away without exercising their rights continuously for one generation , their claims would not be materially affected , but absence for two generations would seriously weaken the claims and render them subject to some recognition by the tribe ; they would not entirely cease until after an absence of three generations …
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