Example sentences of "subject to [adj] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The main opposition grouping , the Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ) , which had doubled its parliamentary representation in the December elections , was , like the KMT , subject to internal division over the issue of Taiwanese nationalism .
2 They were spoken in those parts of the country that had been massively subject to Scandinavian settlement in the late OE period , and they were subsequently used in areas where the elite language became Norman French .
3 A judgment of re-identification in a specific instance is made in the light of certain criteria , and is in principle subject to inter-subjective tests in the light of such criteria .
4 One feature that is peculiar to criminal justice agencies in England and Wales is the extent to which they are encouraged to exercise discretion under conditions of low visibility and subject to minimal restraint on the part of other bodies .
5 Like the courts themselves , the police also operate under conditions of low visibility and subject to minimal restraint on the part of other agencies .
6 Unfortunately , one of these resources is the very countryside itself , which is subject to increasing pressure from the competing demands of the rural population .
7 Under the Act , persons may be detained for questioning at a police station , without charge , for 36 hours on the police 's own authority , and for a further 60 hours subject to successful application for a magistrate 's order .
8 The court , however , with misgivings expressed in the judgment of Oliver L.J. , at p. 1194D , felt unable to differ from the judge 's findings that the letters were never received : see p. 1194B : There was also a serious dispute as to whether the judge was entitled to reach his findings that the father did not have independent advice or that he was subject to undue influence from the son .
9 Perhaps , more cynically , it reflects a weariness on the part of those subject to multiple restructurings on the apparent whim of new management .
10 GRAHAM TAYLOR 'S future as England manager will be subject to high-level discussion over the next few days .
11 These values may not be agreed between the political parties and may be subject to emotional fluctuations among the general public .
12 In addition , the spurs between the meanders preserve the general height of the plateau surface away from the river , except where they are so narrow as to be subject to general lowering by the formation of the slopes on either side .
13 This conclusion was based upon the general perception that pre-1939 aviation was overly competitive and unregulated , and subject to vicious throat-cutting in the national interest .
14 Decisions on these matters are as equally vital as industrial location but things are not so clear-cut in this sphere because it is subject to political controversy about the best means of achieving political goals .
15 The Carolans were subject to much exposure in the Press , and as far as I knew there had never been any newspaper gossip which even hinted at any sort of rift between them .
16 But even as the mainstream has turned on to S&M images , those involved in the scene have been subject to increased harassment from the authorities .
17 ( b ) if the Panel were a statutory body it could find its rulings subject to frequent challenge in the courts with a consequent increase in delaying tactical litigation by the parties to takeovers ; and
18 The value and extent of the use of tests is subject to other changes in the history of the particular community .
19 Apart from all other considerations , while the parent-child side of the worker-client relationship may raise all kinds of unconscious desires , it is also subject to deep-seated taboos around the idea of incest ; the guilt which sexual intercourse between worker and client might arouse could go well beyond conscious personal or professional remorse and bring further problems to both people concerned , as well as others .
20 In the geological field , Aberdeen University has produced a number of M Sc theses derived from research on the geology of North Sea oil fields , in part financed by the local oil industry , and most have been subject to restricted access at the behest of the funding authorities .
21 While the French and West Germans believe a supra-national system for regulating the EC economies should be subject to democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament , Chancellor Kohl wants this agreed and in legal form before other changes are made to the Treaty of Rome to create the proposed EC central bank or to give the EC Council of Ministers powers to override national governments .
22 Any land in excess of this maximum was subject to compulsory purchase by the government .
23 The constitutional authorities were mindful of the constraints imposed by elections and trade unions , but the Left sees democracy in Britain as constrained , not by these things , but by the presence of unaccountable economic power and by the independent power of those closed and secret parts of the state machine that are not popularly elected and that are not even truly accountable to , or effectively controlled by , that part of Parliament that is subject to regular election by the people .
24 One facet of a critique would be that there are areas that do not fit the category of natural monopolies , and yet are subject to extensive regulation of the type under discussion .
25 The legislation allowed the government to confiscate white farmers ' land and to pay compensation at a price of its own choosing , without being subject to legal challenge by the owner of the land .
26 The indemnity is likely to be subject to legal action between the parties .
27 The case remained open after placement , and would be subject to six-weekly review within the home .
28 In He will sing tomorrow , " singing tomorrow " is in relation with the subject in the present , but only as a probable potential : " he " is represented as subject to certain conditions in the present ( his time-table , his own will ) which make his singing tomorrow predictable : in a way , one could say that right now he is represented as a " probable tomorrow-singer " .
29 Important as these two above opportunity structures are for facilitating corporate crime , the greatest opportunity lies in their ability to prevent their actions from becoming subject to criminal sanctions in the first place .
30 He described it as " regrettable " that positions taken in the UN Security Council by the EC 's two permanent Security Council members — the UK and France — had not been subject to prior agreement among the 12 EC members .
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