Example sentences of "danger [prep] being [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Britain 's potential for generating wind energy , which is the highest in Europe , is in danger of being neglected by the government , according to Friends of the Earth .
2 And second , perhaps even more subtle than the dangers of making misjudgements about the early ulema and hierarchy under the influence of the distinctive character of the later hierarchy , one must avoid the danger of being led by the nature of the biographies themselves to dehumanize the ulema , a danger present in all the sources hut perhaps particularly in Ata'i .
3 If successful , its advantages are that it is cheaper , avoids the stigma of admission and the danger of being influenced by the behaviours of other patients , and causes less disruption to the patient 's life .
4 I realised that I was in danger of being fooled by the maps .
5 Finally , with considerable reluctance , I suggested that his faith seemed to have very little foundation and that without more understanding to match his enthusiasm he was in danger of being tripped by the questions of life — let alone by those of his fellow students .
6 If we do , we must act quickly because our members in the Health Service , Local Authorities and all public services are in danger of being approached by the creation of UNISON .
7 Our craft members are in danger of being approached by the A W E U
8 These books played a part in establishing a sense of historical continuity in the feminist movement , and they helped to rescue the constitutionalist women 's suffrage movement from the oblivion to which it was in danger of being consigned by the more flamboyant reputation of Emmeline Pankhurst [ q.v . ] .
9 On December 27 during a Soviet-backed coup Kabul , President Hafizzollah Amin was ousted and killed Regarded by Moscow as an incompetent he had failed to prevent the killing of Soviet " military advisers " in January and had proved incapable of controlling the Muslim rebels who opposed his government Amin was in danger of being over-thrown by a militant Muslim regime .
10 It is a history of morale boosting , of public money being made available from various sources from 1918 onwards : to enrich the life in remote villages in danger of being deserted by the exodus after the First World War ; to occupy the unemployed in the 1930s on Tyneside ; to counter the dreary effect of the ‘ blackout ’ during the Second World War ( this was the first instance in this country of government subsidy ) ; to bring a sense of wellbeing to the community during the difficult years following the war ; and in particular , to occupy bored young people .
11 However , if our main aim had been to get as many ‘ ordinary people ’ involved as possible , this was in danger of being frustrated by the sheer bureaucracy of the process .
12 Our craft members are in danger of being poached by the A W E U. An amalgamation may not be some people 's ideal , but it will take away a lot of the friction between the two unions .
13 With the exception of Paul Nilon 's delightfully zany Count Belfiore , the principal roles were in some danger of being upstaged by the slightly lesser ones ( Nilon is not to blame if it remains incredible that any woman , let alone two , should fall in love with such a bizarre creature ) .
14 Scotland 's wild salmon population is in danger of being overwhelmed by the farmed variety , according to the findings of a study conducted by the Atlantic Salmon Trust .
15 When the PS returned to power in mid-1988 she became European Affairs Minister-Delegate but resigned in October 1990 [ see p. 37784 ] , declaring France to be " in danger of being undermined by a lack of industrial motivation " .
16 Some species of surface-living fish , in danger of being out-paced by the hunters , have turned their pectoral fins to a special purpose .
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