Example sentences of "as late as the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Royal armies thus depended upon mercenaries — even as late as the battle of Waterloo in 1815 , over half the army of Napoleon was not French , and half that of Wellington ( excluding the forces of Blücher ) was not English .
2 As late as the middle of the seventeenth century we find , for example , that even at the age of 30 Samuel Pepys ( 1633–1703 ) , already an important government official , did not possess a watch .
3 As late as the summer of 1939 Sir Stafford Cripps , expelled from the Labour Party and hardly a natural Baldwin man , was urging him to be a brick in a wall of anti-appeasement national unity .
4 That his departure can be dated as late as the reign of Mehmed I Uzuncarsili 's alternative suggestion is , however , rendered unlikely by the fact that there exists a dated Rajab 808/December 1405-January 1406 which carries the signature of Ibrahim b .
5 Twenty-two years earlier , in 1894 , and even as late as the spring of 1911 , the situation could hardly have seemed less promising .
6 As late as the end of the nineteenth century in some Western European states local politics retained their dominance over central concerns , until markets , jobs , and communications like the railways became part of a national whole .
7 As late as the end of February it looked as though this was what they would have to do , and then one evening Ernest returned from a visit to Ilkley flushed with excitement .
8 Rivers , by all accounts no fool , apparently still expected co-operation from Gloucester as late as the end of April .
9 Rivers , by all accounts no fool , apparently still expected co-operation from Gloucester as late as the end of April .
10 As late as the end of July , it was conceivable that the liberation of Paris might be months away .
11 As late as the end of Anne 's reign we still find Whigs and Tories calling each other Cavaliers and Roundheads .
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